Global Email:Response

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← Global Email

Global Email Navigation
Domain-Only Verification
Privacy and Global Email
Best Practices
Service URLs
Request Fields
Response Fields
Batch XML
Batch JSON
Interpreting Results
Deliverability Confidence Score (Basic)
Result Codes (Advanced)
Global Email Result Codes
Sample Code

A response is the result of a request. This consists of returned results codes and parsed email elements.

Depending on the protocol used to make the request, the response will be in a certain protocol. Global Email V4 supports the JSON, JSONP, and XML protocols.

Field Names

This is a list of the response field names and their protocol naming conventions.

Field Name Level JSON/XML
Version Response (Base) Version
Transmission Reference TransmissionReference
Transmission Results TransmissionResults
Total Records TotalRecords
Record ID Record RecordID
Results Results
Email Address EmailAddress
Mailbox Name MailboxName
Domain Name DomainName
Top Level Domain TopLevelDomain
Top Level Domain Name TopLevelDomainName
Date Checked DateChecked
Deliverability Confidence Score DeliverabilityConfidenceScore
Domain Age Estimated DomainAgeEstimated
Domain Expiration Date DomainExpirationDate
Domain Created Date DomainCreatedDate
Domain Updated Date DomainUpdatedDate
Domain Email DomainEmail
Domain Organization DomainOrganization
Domain Address 1 DomainAddress1
Domain Locality DomainLocality
Domain Administrative Area DomainAdministrativeArea
Domain Postal Code DomainPostalCode
Domain Country DomainCountry
Domain Country Code DomainCountryCode
Domain Availability DomainAvailability
Domain Private Proxy DomainPrivateProxy

Response Elements

The following elements are the basic options for each request. These apply to the entire response, not the individual records.


This is a string value that is the current revision number of Global Email V4.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Version":"string"
XML <Version>string</Version>

Transmission Reference

This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent by the Request Array, allowing you to match the Response to the Request.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TransmissionReference":"string"
XML <TransmissionReference>string</TransmissionReference>

Transmission Results

This is a string value that lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole.
For a complete list of error codes, see Global Email Result V4 Codes.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TransmissionResults":"string"
XML <TransmissionResults>string</TransmissionResults>

Total Records

Displays the total number of records returned.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TotalRecords":"string"
XML <TotalRecords>string</TotalRecords>

Response Record Elements

JSON will only contain the Records element.

Protocol Definition
JSON Each record will be contained within [{}] under the Records element.

Each of the following elements are returned for each record in the Response Array.

Record ID

A string value that is a unique identifier for the current record if one was sent in the request. Use this element to match a request record and the corresponding response record.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "RecordID":"string"
XML <RecordID>string</RecordID>


A string value with comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record.
For a complete list of codes, see Global Email V4 Result Codes.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Results":"string"
XML <Results>string</Results>

Email Address

A string value listing the email address, including any corrections or changes made by Global Email V4.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "EmailAddress":"string"
XML <EmailAddress>string</EmailAddress>

Mailbox Name

A string value listing the mailbox or user name portion of the email address (All characters preceding the "@" character).
With an example email of "" the mailbox name would be "sample".
Protocol Syntax
JSON "MailboxName":"string"
XML <MailboxName>string</MailboxName>

Domain Name

A string value listing the domain name portion of the email address (All characters between the "@" and "." characters).
With an example email of "" the domain name would be "melissa".
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainName":"string"
XML <DomainName>string</DomainName>

Top Level Domain

A string value listing the description associated with the top-level domain name of the email address.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Top Level Domain":"string"
XML <Top Level Domain>string</Top Level Domain>

Top Level Domain Name

A string value listing the top level domain name portion of the email address (All characters after the ".").
With an example email of "" the top level domain name would be "com".
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TopLevelDomainName":"string"
XML <TopLevelDomainName>string</TopLevelDomainName>

Date Checked

A string value listing the date the email was last checked. It returns UTC, Unix Time (Epoch Time) in the MM/DD/YYYY H:MM:SS format.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DateChecked":"string"
XML <DateChecked>string</DateChecked>


Protocol Syntax
JSON "DeliverabilityConfidenceScore":"string"
XML <DeliverabilityConfidenceScore>string</DeliverabilityConfidenceScore>


The estimated age of the domain in days.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAgeEstimated":"string"
XML <DomainAgeEstimated>string</DomainAgeEstimated>


The date the domain expires/expired in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainExpirationDate":"string"
XML <DomainExpirationDate>string</DomainExpirationDate>


The date the domain was created in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainCreatedDate":"string"
XML <DomainCreatedDate>string</DomainCreatedDate>


The date the domain was last updated in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainUpdatedDate":"string"
XML <DomainUpdatedDate>string</DomainUpdatedDate>


The email associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainEmail":"string"
XML <DomainEmail>string</DomainEmail>


The organization associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainOrganization":"string"
XML <DomainOrganization>string</DomainOrganization>


The street address associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAddress1":"string"
XML <DomainAddress1>string</DomainAddress1>


The locality associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainLocality":"string"
XML <DomainLocality>string</DomainLocality>


The administrative area associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAdministrativeArea":"string"
XML <DomainAdministrativeArea>string</DomainAdministrativeArea>


The postal code associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainPostalCode":"string"
XML <DomainPostalCode>string</DomainPostalCode>


The country associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainCountry":"string"
XML <DomainCountry>string</DomainCountry>


The country code associated with the domain.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainCountryCode":"string"
XML <DomainCountryCode>string</DomainCountryCode>


Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAvailability":"string"
XML <DomainAvailability>string</DomainAvailability>


Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainPrivateProxy":"string"
XML <DomainPrivateProxy>string</DomainPrivateProxy>