Difference between revisions of "IP Locator:Response"

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|DST||DST||rowspan="14" valign="center"|N/A
|DST||DST||rowspan="14" valign="center"|N/A
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<h3 style="background-color:rgb(240,240,240);">DomainUpdateDate</h3>
<h3 style="background-color:rgb(240,240,240);">DomainUpdatedDate</h3>

:The last time the domain was updated.
:The last time the domain was updated.
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!Protocol !! Syntax
!Protocol !! Syntax

Latest revision as of 01:32, 10 December 2022

← Global IP

Global IP Navigation
Request Fields
Response Fields
Batch JSON
Result Codes
Result Code Use
Global IP Result Codes
Sample Code

A response is the result of a request. This consists of returned results codes, IP address details, and appended geographic information.

IP Locator supports the JSON response protocol.

Field Names

This is a list of the response field names and their protocol naming conventions.

Field Name Level JSON Group Name
Version Response Version N/A
Transmission Reference TransmissionReference
Transmission Results TransmissionResults
City Record City
Connection Speed ConnectionSpeed
Connection Type ConnectionType
Continent Continent
Country Abbreviation CountryAbbreviation
Country Name CountryName
DomainAddress1 DomainAddress1 grpdomaininfo
DomainAdministrativeArea DomainAdministrativeArea
DomainAgeEstimated DomainAgeEstimated
DomainAvailability DomainAvailability
DomainCountry DomainCountry
DomainCountryCode DomainCountryCode
DomainCreatedDate DomainCreatedDate
DomainEmail DomainEmail
DomainExpirationDate DomainExpirationDate
DomainLocality DomainLocality
Domain Name DomainName N/A
DomainOrganization DomainOrganization grpdomaininfo
DomainPostalCode DomainPostalCode
DomainPrivateProxy DomainPrivateProxy
DomainUpdatedDate DomainUpdatedDate
IP Address IPAddress
ISP Name ISPName
Latitude Latitude
Longitude Longitude
Postal Code PostalCode
Proxy Description ProxyDescription
Proxy Type ProxyType
Record ID RecordID
Region Region
Result Result
Time Zone Code TimeZoneCode
Time Zone Name TimeZoneName

Response Elements

The following elements return the details for each request. These apply to the entire request, not the individual records.


The version number of the service.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Version":"string"

Transmission Reference

This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. This is the same value as the corresponding request and can be used to match requests to responses.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TransmissionReference":"string"

Transmission Results

This is a string value that lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole.
For a complete list of error codes, see IP Locator Result Codes.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TransmissionResults":"string"

Response Record Elements

Protocol Definition
JSON Each IP address will be contained within [{}] under the Records element.


The city where the IP address is located.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "City":"string"

Connection Speed

The connection speed associated with this IP address.
The possible values are:

Protocol Syntax
JSON "ConnectionSpeed":"string"

Connection Type

The type of connection used by this IP address. Possible values are: dialup, wired, wifi, mobile, and satellite.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "ConnectionType":"string"


The continent where the IP address is located.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Continent":"string"

Country Abbreviation

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country where the IP address is located.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "CountryAbbreviation":"string"

Country Name

The full name of the country where the IP address is located.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "CountryName":"string"


The Physical Address associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAddress1":"string"


The State or most common geographic data element associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAdministrativeArea":"string"


How long the domain has existed since it's creation.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAgeEstimated":"string"


Status whether domain is available or unavailable.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainAvailability":"string"


The full name of the country associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainCountry":"string"


The two character code for the country associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainCountryCode":"string"


The Created Date of the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainCreatedDate":"string"


The email associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainEmail":"string"


The expiration date of the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainExpirationDate":"string"


The City or most common population center associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainLocality":"string"

Domain Name

The domain name associated with this IP address.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainName":"string"


The Organization associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainOrganization":"string"


The Postal Code associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainPostalCode":"string"


The Private Proxy associated with the domain.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainPrivateProxy":"string"


The last time the domain was updated.
Part of the "grpdomaininfo" group.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DomainUpdatedDate":"string"


Indicates the status of Daylight Savings Time where the IP address is located. Returns "Y" for "Yes", indicating the location currently is observing and returns "N" for "No", indicating the opposite.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "DST":"string"

IP Address

The IP address being looked up.
Example: 123.456.7.890
Protocol Syntax
JSON "IPAddress":"string"

ISP Name

The name of the Internet Service Provider.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "ISPName":"string"


The latitude for the IP address. This usually points to the postal code.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Latitude":"string"


The longitude for the IP address. This usually points to the postal code.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Longitude":"string"

Postal Code

The postal code where the IP address is located.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "PostalCode":"string"

Proxy Description

Additional Details for the Proxy Type returned.
Proxy Descriptions may return one of the following values:

Protocol Syntax
JSON "ProxyDescription":"string"

Proxy Type

The type of proxy for an IP Address.
The following are the values that can be returned by ProxyType and their Definitions:
Value Definition
Anonymous The IP address is a proxy and the actual IP address of the end user is not available.
Transparent The IP address is a proxy, but the originating IP address of the end user can be detected by inspecting the HTTP headers, however, this can easily be spoofed
Hosting The IP address belongs to a hosting facility or cloud provider and may be used as a proxy because an end user is not typically located in a hosting facility. These IP addresses may be rented per service agreement with the hosting facility and easily disposed.
Corporate The IP address is registered to a specific location with end users sharing a single IP address. A typical example is of end users behind a router using Network Address Translation. Each user will appear to the world as coming from the same IP address
Public The address is a known public proxy allowing multiple users to proxy their data from a location allowing public Internet access.
Edu The IP address is from a known educational institution.
AOL The IP address is an AOL proxy.
Blank Not a known proxy.

Protocol Syntax
JSON "ProxyType":"string"

Record ID

This is a string value containing a unique identifier for the current record. Use this to match the record submitted with the record returned. It will return what is inputted.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "RecordID":"string"


The region where the IP address is located, specific meaning varies from country to country. For IPs in the US this field returns the state that the IP is located within.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Region":"string"


Returns a comma delimited list of result codes that provide more information from the service.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Result":"string"


The time zone code where the IP address is located.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TimeZoneCode":"string"


The time zone name where the IP address is located.
Example:Pacific Standard Time
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TimeZoneName":"string"


The GMT offset for the area where the IP address is located.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "UTC":"string"