Unison:Installation Instructions

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This document will guide you through the process of installing Unison on an Ubuntu server.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • 32GB RAM
  • 2TB disk space
  • 16 CPU Cores
  • User with Root or Sudo permissions


Melissa will provide clients with a downloadable zip file that contains all of the files needed to install Unison. It is recommended to have a method of extracting the zip file’s contents. In this example, we will use the “unzip” utility. You can install this by running “sudo apt-get install unzip”.

System Access Requirements

In order for the install to perform its activities it will need internet access and connections to various servers. Along with the standard apt repository it also needs access to:

  • http://ppa.launchpad.net/ansible/ansible/ubuntu (to install Ansible)
  • https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ (to install Helm)
  • ucr.melissadata.net (to install Melissa Software)
  • docker.io (to install various supporting packages needed)
  • ghcr.io (to install Keda autoscaling)
  • docker.elastic.co (to install Docker)
  • k8s.gcr.io (for NFS mounts)
  • public.ecr.aws (to install Redis)
  • quay.io (for Argo administration)
  • pkgs.k8s.io (for Kubernetes install)
  • download.opensuse.org (for older CRIO builds)

Installation Steps

  1. Copy the Unison zip file to somewhere convenient on your server. I am using the home directory for the currently logged in user.
  2. Unzip the Unison zip File.
    1. Ex: unzip UNISONCLOUD-20231207-1236.zip
  3. Navigate to the extracted directory.
    1. Ex: cd UNISONCLOUD-20231207-1236
  4. Run the install.sh script with sudo permissions.
    1. Ex: sudo ./install.sh
    UNI Install 001.png
  5. Enter the password for the current user with sudo permissions.
    UNI Install 002.png
  6. (Optional) By default Unison uses port 38083, if you wish you can change it now by typing y and hitting enter. Otherwise type n to keep the default value.
    UNI Install 003.png
  7. Wait for Installation of Ansible to complete.
    UNI Install 004.png
  8. (Optional) You can specify a pickup directory for automated file runs by typing y and hitting enter. Otherwise type n if you are not planning on using automated runs.
    UNI Install 005.png
  9. (Optional) You can add additional machines to the cluster if you wish by typing y and hitting enter. Otherwise type n if you are only using one machine.
    UNI Install 006.png
  10. The installation is complete when you see the instructions to head to the browser.
    UNI Install 007.png
  11. Navigate to the link provided in step #10 and click the “Get Started” button to complete the setup.
    UNI Install 008.png
  12. Enter a License Key (This key is provided after the Unison Service is purchased.)
  13. Enter a support email.
  14. Enter a new Base URL if needed.
    UNI Install 009.png
  15. Next, Setup an Admin Account.
    UNI Install 010.png
  16. Login with the account created.
    UNI Install 011.png
  17. Check all services are up with kubectl get pods.
    1. sudo kubectl get pods
    UNI Install 012.png