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==MatchUp Usage==
==MatchUp Usage==
===How many records can MatchUp Desktop process in a single job?===
===How many records can MatchUp Software process in a single job?===
:MatchUp Desktop fully supports processing up to 20 million records. Although MatchUp Desktop has been benchmarked well beyond this limit, the current build cannot foresee operating system or platform changes. Thus for larger processes we recommend using one of our Enterprise solutions which support larger jobs.
:MatchUp Software fully supports processing up to 20 million records. Although MatchUp Software has been benchmarked well beyond this limit, the current build cannot foresee operating system or platform changes. Thus for larger processes we recommend using one of our Enterprise solutions which support larger jobs.

Latest revision as of 17:14, 25 September 2017

← MatchUp Software

MatchUp Basics

What is the MatchUp ?

MatchUp is database-processing software, which advances the state of the art in Merge/Purge and duplicate identification. It can merge files with different structures, different field names, and different field lengths. You can process multiple matchcodes in a single pass, each of which can be made of any part(s) of any field(s) you designate. Matchup also CASS verifies addresses, performs Delivery Point Validation ( DPV ) and Locatable Address Conversion Service.

What is a Setup?

A Setup is the type of process you want to run. A Matchup Setup file ( .dt extension file ) is a saved setup which contains the matchcode this job uses, the location of the databases to be processed, and many more specific instructions on how to read input data and how to write the output data - all which may be unique to this setup.

Should I use a Merge, or a Merge Purge setup?

A Merge Purge setup can do everything that a Merge, Purge, or File Update can do, plus there are a lot of advanced processing tools you can take advantage of with a Merge Purge setup.
A Merge process can be used to simply join tables of different type and structure, and not remove any records as duplicates.

What's a Matchcode?

A Matchcode is a set of rules which allow you to determine if two records should be considered duplicates. Matchup uses a predefined Matchcode, or one you have created using the Matchcode editor, to create a matchkey for each record.

What's a Matchkey?

A string of data, determined by your matchcode, extracted from each record and is used to compare records when deduping.

What types of files will Matchup allow me to process?

Matchup will allow you to process dBase, ASCII delimited, fixed field and flat files. New to Matchup3, you can also process msExcel and msAccess tables directly. With a purchased add-on driver, you can have direct access to SQL Server, Oracle and DB/2 tables. As with Matchup2, you can always connect to these DBMS types and other proprietary formats through ODBC.

What's a Suppression table? Intersection?

A Suppression Table is one which does not contribute to the Output Table, but is used to match records from a Regular, No purge, or Self Purge table, and suppress those records from being written to the Output Table. Think of a Suppression Table as a 'Do Not Call' or 'Do not Mail To' list.
An Intersection Table is the opposite of Suppression. Only records from a Regular, No Purge, or Self Purge which DO match an Intersection Table will get written to the Output Table. Think of an Intersection Table as a 'Best Customer Table'.

What's a Lookup Table?

These program files help Matchup to process different data types using advanced methods, because it recognizes keywords and knows how they can be treated. The user may edit or append these lists to help Matchup decide how to more accurately process your data. Occasionally, we have a customer who always processes a database specific to an industry or geographic area where proprietary keywords are not in the table, or have a different meaning. Caution: When you edit these tables you may be overwriting years of programming experience on how to best handle these common datatypes.

What reporting is available?

There are a variety of reports available that give you general processing summary information, to tabulated Output counts, to matrix reports that give you inter and intra table, source code, and multibuyer Counts.
You can send the reports to a printer, or output to a file in msExcel, msWord, or our text template format. Our templates allow you to edit the content and layout of the reports.

What type of support do you offer?

Technical support is always free, as are the frequent updates, and many online resources found on our website.

What if my source tables don’t have the same data types Matchup uses to match?

No problem. When building match keys, Matchup will parse your FullName fields, even if they are Inverse names, parse your full address lines to extract the necessary address parts to match, extract the ZIP from a City,State,Zip field, and recognize differently formatted Companies - to name a few examples.

MatchUp Usage

How many records can MatchUp Software process in a single job?

MatchUp Software fully supports processing up to 20 million records. Although MatchUp Software has been benchmarked well beyond this limit, the current build cannot foresee operating system or platform changes. Thus for larger processes we recommend using one of our Enterprise solutions which support larger jobs.

Can I create my own Matchcodes, or edit existing ones?

Yes, Using Matchup’s Matchcode Editor, you can create your own matching criteria ( your own Matchcode ), or copy and edit one of the basic matchcodes shipped with Matchup, to determine whether two records should match. This tool lets you match on anything!
The Matchcode Editor can be accessed from the menu bar item Tools | Matchcode Editor, the Matchcode Editor icon on main page tool bar, or by selecting the Matchcode Editor button on the General tab of a Merge/Purge or Purge setup....

Is there a way for us to copy Matchcodes from one installation of MatchUp to an installation on another computer?

Yes, you can simply copy a single file to get your matchcodes in a different machine. In the default MatchUp data folder:
C:\ProgramData\Melissa DATA\MatchUP GUI)
there is DTake.mc which has all the matchcodes (including your custom made ones).
To migrate a single matchcode to a different machine, which may contains its own unique matchcodes,

  • Copy an existing setup file used on machine1 onto machine2
  • When you open the machine1setupfile.dt on machine2, it will ask you if you want to import the matchcode
  • Select yes, machine2 will now have that matchcode added to its DTake.mc

Do I have any control over how Matchup matches my file?

Lots. In addition to the Matchcode Editor - where you determine the match rules, you also have complete control of the Lookup Tables - how key words are associated with different datatypes. Each source table can be set as a different type - regular, suppression, or intersection, etc. - which lets you determine which records get output, duped, suppressed, etc. Set record priority - in a group of matching records, rank by table number, contents of a field, or a custom priority you create.

Matchup looks really complex. Is it too powerful or advanced for my small mail shop?

No. You can do simple Merge Purge setups with Regular Table types, basic matching strategies and a simple Output table. The Matchup electronic Help file has full documentation, Case studies, and examples, and Technical Support is free and waiting to answer your questions, and help you learn how to use the features you need.

Is Matchup robust enough to handle my demanding data center needs?

Yes. Matchup is loaded with advanced features in all areas - matching, source table types and structures, flexible Output, a full database management tool set, post processing analyzing, and a variety of reports. It is extremely fast. The number of tables and records is unlimited. Call 1-800-800MAIL for a free full working demo.
Matchup also can be used to CASS verify records to a Delivery Point Validation level and return LACS address information.

Is dBase the only option for Output table format?

No, On the Output Tables tab, there is a drop-down list of available Output Table Types - dBase, ASCII, Excel, Access, and SQL are the most popular.

Can I create a multibuyer field?

You can create a Multi-buyer Source Code field, consolidating and storing data from matched multis. Tools | User Settings allows you to select the method for determining what a multi is ( strangely enough, everyone has a different definition of a Multi-buyer ). You also can create a Multi-buyer count field, and generate Multi-buyer reporting.

Can I CASS and dedupe in one pass?

Yes, you can CASS verify Output records on the back of a Merge/Purge setup, and/or use a CASS validated matchcode during a merge/purge process. Or, verify addresses within Matchup as a standalone CASS setup,

How can I automate setups?

Matchup3 was developed with many new ways to make creating setups easier and automated. You can drag and drop a setup file into Matchup, drag and drop source files into the Input Tables screen, and drag and drop unmapped source fields into the setup screens. The User Settings allow you to maintain a list of field names associated with certain data types so Matchup will automatically map them into your setup. You can pre-define a default Output table type and structure.

Which record in a group will be tagged as the Output record?

Matchup allows you to set a ranking for your process, so when a group of matching is found, Output can be prioritized by table, contents of a field, or custom expression. You can also set an input filter, so records meeting any criteria can be passed over, and not processed

Why is my setup taking too long to process?

Merge Purge is a memory intensive, complex process. But you can help speed up the process by keeping data local, designing and using a matchcode which takes advantage of Matchup’s group clustering, and choosing the best Output structure which meets your needs.

Why did my process crash?

A program crash could be anything from a corrupt data source, a read-only file you are attempting to write to, a network connection drop out, operating system error, user error, or once in a blue moon – a bug in the program.

Why did Matchup not catch some duplicates?

Matchup can only use the match rules and settings which the end user has provided. After identifying missed records in the Analyzer, verify the matchkeys got built correctly. If this wasn’t the source of your problem, check to see if your matchcode rules were satisfied – the keys may be the same, but your may not have met the conditions of any matchcode column.

I got way too many duplicates!

Most likely, your matchcode rules were too loose, possibly one column of your matchcode was a subset of a valid column. Another source of too many duplicates may be that you mapped in the wrong field in the Matchcode Mapping screen. If you are using Company as part of your match, but you accidentally mapped in Country, you will get too many duplicates.

Do I have to create an Output File? Duplicate file?

No. Most Matchup users want at least an Output Table – not collecting the duplicates in a separate Duplicate table, you can create a Duplicate table for future mailings. But alternatively, you can write back Status, Count and Dupe Group data to your source tables saving you from having to even create a new Output table.

Which source file contributed to my Output table?

When you create an Output Table you can create a Source Code field which will let you know which source list the Output record came from.

Can I verify the results?

Yes, The Analyzer lets you determine if the job was processed correctly. It will show every record that was processed, the resultant matchkey, its Output status, records it matched and why they matched. You can change the Output status (from tagged Duplicate to Output record, for example). The Analyzer lets you sort, search, filter and print records – a nice way to let your client know his matching criteria was applied, and how well it did.

Are their any different versions? Like a .dll?

Yes, there is a Matchup Limited version that will only process the first 25,000 records it processes. So if you use a Table with 40000 records as your first source, and a second Table with 20000 records, you will not get the results you expect – only the first 25000 from the first table will get processed.
Matchup also comes in a 32-bit DLL programmers library version which uses the same tried and true engine as the Windows version, minus most of the Matchup toolset, but gives you the ability to take more control over file handling for custom processing, real-time deduping, or web processing.

Do you ever release updates?

Updates are released bi-monthly, required to keep the CASS tables updated. However, you may see additional updates between CASS updates if there are new features added, or heaven forbid, a bug is found.

How many users can use my License Key?

A single License Key generally allows a single computer to be running Matchup. For questions regarding copyright, licensing, and multiple licensing ( or site - licenses ), contact Melissa Data Sales. This is an important topic beyond the scope of the FAQ.

Can I run Matchup hands off?

Yes, you can process Matchup from a command line or batch file. This just requires you to use the windows interface to create and save the instructions in a setup. That setup file contains all the information Matchup needs to know to process your database. We even have customers who call Matchup from FoxPro or SQL Server. To really take control over how Matchup runs, but using the same deduping engine, consider the Matchup API – a programmers library version which can be used to dedupe extremely large databases, or used in a real-time data entry environment.

Can I process dual name fields?

When you want to match ‘John Smith’ to a record which has ‘Mr. and Mrs. John and Mary Smith’, you may get lucky, and catch these as dupes, but if the dual name has different last names, you may not be so lucky. The real solution is Personator for Windows which does parse dual names into separate components, and gives you the flexibility to either remove the second name or create another record with the second name.

Can a Table be in a print image or column format?

No, Matchup is expecting records in the traditional table format – each row is a record. You may want to try RightFielder for Windows which will import and process ASCII print image and label formats. If you have the ability to read and format these types of files in-house, you may want to try the Matchup API.

Can I assign a confidence percent to select Duplicates?

Matchup does not assign a confidence percent number because a fuzzy match on name and address may be a 40% match for customer A, but only 15% for customer B, putting Matchup in a precarious position of grading matchcodes. Instead, we let you simultaneously match on 16 matchcodes, and return a status code stating which matchcode combinations a record hit on. This lets the user evaluate the status string and determine himself that a match on combinations 123458 is a 99% match, and a match on combinations 78 are only a 15% confidence.

Does it process International Data?

Matchup processes US, Canadian, and UK addresses. Other international data can be matched using a combination of Full Address lines ( we don’t know how to parse all of those other countries ) and our Street Splitter’s best guess. Of course if you use Names formatted in the same order as domestic data, or other data types as a general data type, you should be OK. Give Matchup a ride with a free demo version if you need to make sure.

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