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*:Verifying certain company addresses in SQL Server stored procedures will cause a “Floating Point Error.”
*:Verifying certain company addresses in SQL Server stored procedures will cause a “Floating Point Error.”

::Fixed in Build 1019.  
**:Fixed in Build 1019.  

::Do not pass the company name into address object to avoid this crash.
**:Do not pass the company name into address object to avoid this crash.

*;AddressCheck Interface
*;AddressCheck Interface
*:GetCassForm method returns jumbled html string if called more than once.
*:GetCassForm method returns jumbled html string if called more than once.

::Fixed in Build 1019.
**:Fixed in Build 1019.

*;AddressCheck Interface
*;AddressCheck Interface
*:Canadian Addresses with LVR or rural zip codes will code any city and state as correct.
*:Canadian Addresses with LVR or rural zip codes will code any city and state as correct.

::We are working with the Canadian Post Office to sort out how to verify LVR and rural zip codes as there are special rules that apply to them.
**:We are working with the Canadian Post Office to sort out how to verify LVR and rural zip codes as there are special rules that apply to them.

==Build 676==
==Build 676==

AddressCheck Interface - Certain wild card searches result in only one city being returned when in fact more cities exist.
*;AddressCheck Interface
*:Certain wild card searches result in only one city being returned when in fact more cities exist.
Fixed in Build 1017

**:Fixed in Build 1017
CITY: c*
CITY: c*
<br />
C S U Dom Hls - There are 350 cities in CA starting in C.
C S U Dom Hls - There are 350 cities in CA starting in C.</pre>
ZipData Interface - The ComputeDistance & ComputeBearing methods will crash when non-numeric in any of the arguments.
Fixed in Build 1017
Build 613
Address Object experiencing memory leaks in a server environment.

*;ZipData Interface
Fixed in Build 676
*:The ComputeDistance & ComputeBearing methods will crash when non-numeric in any of the arguments.

Address Object experiencing memory leaks in a server environment
**:Fixed in Build 1017

AddressCheck Interface

    1. County Highway
==Build 613==
    2. Initialize method
*Address Object experiencing memory leaks in a server environment.
    3. Cold Fusion

StreetData Interface
*:Fixed in Build 676

    1. Initialize method

ZipData Interface
*:Address Object experiencing memory leaks in a server environment
**AddressCheck Interface
::#County Highway
::#Initialize method
::#Cold Fusion

    1. Initialize method
**StreetData Interface
    2. ComputeDistance & ComputeBearing methods
::#Initialize method

**ZipData Interface
::#Initialize method
::#ComputeDistance & ComputeBearing methods

“The format of the DPV Footnotes has been changed to reflect CASS rules as required by the USPS.
*The format of the DPV Footnotes has been changed to reflect CASS rules as required by the USPS.
*:DPV Footnotes were previously returned with a space between each footnote. Per CASS rules the footnotes no longer have spaces between them. Each footnote is always two characters in length so interpretation of the footnotes should still be easily done.”
DPV Footnotes were previously returned with a space between each footnote. Per CASS rules the footnotes no longer have spaces between them. Each footnote is always two characters in length so interpretation of the footnotes should still be easily done.”
AddressCheck Interface

County Highway
Currently County Highway addresses without a range will cause the Address Object to produce a General Protection Fault (GPF.

Fixed in Build 676
*AddressCheck Interface
*;County Highway
*:Currently County Highway addresses without a range will cause the Address Object to produce a General Protection Fault (GPF.
:*Fixed in Build 676

Initialize Method
Initialize Method

Revision as of 23:12, 31 July 2012

Address Object known issues.

Data Files

Released February and March 2012

AddressCheck Interface
Commercial Mail Receiving Agency addresses will not be flagged and recognized as a CMRA Address (AS10) for data files pushed out in February (02-2012) and March(03-2012). The USPS, beginning with the February release of the DPV® monthly data fulfillment, P.O. Box™ (PBSA) records were added to the CMRA table without partner notification. As a result, the file size of the CMRA (dph.hsc) table increased from 1 MB to 33 MB. This change has affected the Address Object lookups for CMRA addresses. The next build of Address Object will address and fix this issue. Meanwhile to fix this issue, please replace the dph.hsc files from February/March with the file from January (01-2012) by following the steps below:

  1. Download the January CMRA table (dph.hsc)
  2. Replace the file (dph.hsc) into your Melissa Data/Data directory, typically
    C:\Program Files\Melissa DATA\Data
  3. Re-initialize the object by restarting any applications using the Melissa Data address object

Build 1609

Released June 2010

AddressCheck Interface
In SQL Server, not all add-ons can be used because of the number of file handles used by SQL Server and therefore less made available to Address Object. Currently, you can only enable PathToUSFiles, PathToDPVDataFiles, PathToCanadaFiles, and PathToRBDI at the same time. The addition of PathToLACSLinkDataFiles, PathToSuiteLinkDataFiles, and PathToSuiteFinderData will cause the stored procedure to not initialize.
Do not use the PathToLACSLinkDataFiles, PathToSuiteLinkDataFiles, and PathToSuiteFinderData add-ons. This will be fixed in the next future build.

Build 1431

Released May 2009

Parse Interface, ZipData Interface
String data stored in variant types are not being recognized in the Parse interface Parse() method and ZipData interface FindZipInCity() methods. For those methods, if you are using a scripting language that contains variant types (VBScript), passing in data of type variant will not work.


Dim datapath ‘Variant 
datapath = “C:\Program Files\Melissa DATA\COM Objects\Data Files\”
This will be fixed in the next release. Until then, you can use one of these two work-arounds.
  1. Roll back to the previous object
  2. Cast the Variant as a string. Example: parseObj.Initialize(CStr(datapath))

Build 1395-1431

Released March 2009

AddressCheck & Parse Interface memory leak
A small 8K memory leak with the IntializeDataFiles() method has been identified and is caused by a missing configuration file that Address Object builds featuring the new parser require. This config file was designed to be hidden and not necessary (it consists of parsing rules) however it is now temporarily required.
This will be fixed in the next release. Until then please download the configuration file from here and set the attributes to read only and drop the file into your Data Files directory along with the US national data set ie: location of “mdAddr.dat”.

Build 1191

Released September 2007

  • AddressCheck Interface
    A few Canadian Addresses are not returning a status code:
This will be fixed in the next release.
  • AddressCheck Interface
    If a valid address is entered in the Company field and invalid characters in the Address field, Address Object will swap them and code the valid address but the company name is lost.
Do not write the Company field back into your data. It will never be changed for corrected.
  • AddressCheck Interface
    If an invalid zip code is used and the city field is left blank, Address object cannot code the address because it doesn’t have enough information but it will fill in the city field with the first alphabetical city in the input state.
Do not write the city back into your data if the address does not code. If you want the city for the given zip code even though the address is not valid, you can look it up in the ZipCodeData interface.

Build 1166

Released July 2007

AddressCheck Interface
Valid Canadian addresses that do not have a postal code are incorrectly verifying as an bad address. This only affect Canadian addresses that are street addresses and does not affect any US addresses or Canadian Rural Route, General Delivery, PO Box addresses.
This has been fixed in the next release. Please download the latest version of Address Object on the main Address Object Support Page.

Build 1115

Released April 2007

AddressCheck Interface
The Canadian Post Office has informed us that a number of records in the Canadian data files for the province of Quebec are missing data for the street direction of approximately 50 streets. In certain cases, previously existing street direction indicators were dropped from street addresses and a few street names were incorrectly modified. The impact of the problem is low and mail processing and mail delivery should not be affected providing the mail piece bears the correct postal code.
The specific records have since been corrected and will be available in the next release.

Build 1091

Released December 2006

Address Object for Unix does not contain the following properties:

  • Work-around
    Make sure to update your Canadian data files every time you receive them. They are released each month so if you have not received them for close to on month, please contact your sales representative.
  • Solution
    Will be added to the next release.

Build 1021

AddressCheck Interface
Address does not code correctly when duplicate suite information is included in the address and suite fields.
Fixed in Build 1027.

Build 1019

AddressCheck Interface
Certain LACSLink addresses are not converted correctly.
Fixed in Build 1021.

Build 1017

  • AddressCheck Interface
    Verifying certain company addresses in SQL Server stored procedures will cause a “Floating Point Error.”
    • Solution
      Fixed in Build 1019.
    • Work-Around
      Do not pass the company name into address object to avoid this crash.
  • AddressCheck Interface
    GetCassForm method returns jumbled html string if called more than once.
    • Solution
      Fixed in Build 1019.
  • AddressCheck Interface
    Canadian Addresses with LVR or rural zip codes will code any city and state as correct.
    • Solution
      We are working with the Canadian Post Office to sort out how to verify LVR and rural zip codes as there are special rules that apply to them.

Build 676

  • AddressCheck Interface
    Certain wild card searches result in only one city being returned when in fact more cities exist.
    • Solution
      Fixed in Build 1017


CITY: c*
<br />
C S U Dom Hls - There are 350 cities in CA starting in C.
  • ZipData Interface
    The ComputeDistance & ComputeBearing methods will crash when non-numeric in any of the arguments.
    • Solution
      Fixed in Build 1017

Build 613

  • Address Object experiencing memory leaks in a server environment.
  • Solution
    Fixed in Build 676

  • Address Object experiencing memory leaks in a server environment
    • AddressCheck Interface
  1. County Highway
  2. Initialize method
  3. Cold Fusion
    • StreetData Interface
  1. Initialize method
    • ZipData Interface
  1. Initialize method
  2. ComputeDistance & ComputeBearing methods

  • The format of the DPV Footnotes has been changed to reflect CASS rules as required by the USPS.
    DPV Footnotes were previously returned with a space between each footnote. Per CASS rules the footnotes no longer have spaces between them. Each footnote is always two characters in length so interpretation of the footnotes should still be easily done.”

  • AddressCheck Interface
    County Highway
    Currently County Highway addresses without a range will cause the Address Object to produce a General Protection Fault (GPF.
  • Fixed in Build 676

Initialize Method

Address Object will not initialize when the file name is included in the paths passed into the Initialize method.

• Fixed in Build 676

Cold Fusion Warning

The following methods originally added for Cold Fusion users were omitted in the new build of Address Object:

•SetPathToUSFiles •SetPathToCanadaFiles •SetPathToDPVFiles

• Fixed in Build 676

StreetData Interface

Initialize Method Address Object will not initialize when the file name is included in the paths passed into the Initialize method.

• Fixed in Build 676

ZipData Interface

ComputeDistance Method The ComputeDistance & ComputeBearing methods return 9999 & 999 respectively regardless of the input.

• Fixed in Build 676

Initialize Method Address Object will not initialize when the file name is included in the paths passed into the Initialize method.

• Fixed in Build 676