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[[Address Verifier|← Address Verifier]]
==Address Verifier==
==Address Verifier==

Revision as of 17:04, 12 December 2018

← Address Verifier

Address Verifier

Released February 2011

New Result Codes
  • A number of new Result codes are now available. Please reference the Address Verifier manual for these new Results codes and details for each.
Fix country code handling
  • Address Verifier will now label an address as foreign is it has a legitimate country code that is not "US" or "CA".
Updated Congressional information
  • Now it will return the 112th congress information.

Released October 2010

  • By popular demand and the upcoming midterm Congressional Elections, we have added a new field called "CongressionalDisctrict" to the Output Properties of the Response. This element contains the 2-digit number indicating the congressional district of the input address.
  • For users of the SOAP protocol, a few languages/toolkits may re-download and re-verify the WSDL with each request. The addition of a new element in the schema may cause some applications using these languages to stop working correctly. To remedy, recompile your application using the new WSDL, or more commonly, reference a local copy of the WSDL instead.

Released July 2010

  • AddressCheck is now using a new and improved Canadian Parsing Engine.
  • Added 3 new fields to the Parsed Output Properties of the Response to allot for the new Canadian Parsing Engine improvements:
    • RouteService
    • LockBox
    • DeliveryInstallation

Released August 2009

Additional Results Codes
Two new result codes have been added to Address Check (AS16 and AS17).
  • AS16 – Address is vacant. Address has been unoccupied for 90 days or more.
  • AS17 – Missing Alternate delivery. Individual address does not receive mail but delivery is made to an alternate address or has potential for delivery in the near future.

Released July 2009

Additional Results Codes
Two new result codes have been added to Address Check (AS14 and AS15).
  • AS14 – Missing suite information was appended by Suite Link. Suite Link can append missing suite information to addresses based on the Company information provided.
  • AS15 – Missing suite information was appended by Suite Finder. Suite Finder can append missing suite information to addresses based on the person’s Last Name provided.

Released July 2009

Additonal Input
  • A new input property has been added to the Request Record Structure of the Address Check Web Service (<LastName>). Suite Finder is used for appending missing suite information tied to the input last names.

Data Quality Web Service Version 2

Released March 2008

New Features
  • DQWS Version 2 is the new and improved implementation of our Web Based Solutions.
  • The Services for the new DQWS are now separated into each of its own interfaces. The following web services are currently available:
    • AddressCheck
    • GeoCoder
    • RBDI
    • IPLocator