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==Build 4.2==
==Build 4.2==

Revision as of 19:44, 13 October 2014

← Contact Zone

Build 4.2

Released June 2014

  • Personator Free-Form input
  • Global Verify – setting now for delivery lines option
  • Presort – Many interface changes to incorporate MAIL.DAT generation. Will also read MAIL.DAT license from license string.
  • Address, Phone, Name, and email objects updated to Build 2381. Geocoder and IPlocator are updated to build 2362.
  • Fixed to handle 64 bit Linux better (was working before but received warnings)
  • Installer will now install VC++ redistributables on windows to allow the use of the new DLLS.
  • Fix for using proxy with Local Appliance

Build 4.1

Released January 2014

Contact Verify
  • Added options for the on premise email cleanse
  • Contact verify will apply fuzzy matching algorithms to the input email domain, allowing for a more accurate domain cleansing when the email contains common typos. (Perform Fuzzy Lookup)
  • Contact verify will attempt to validate the domain from a compiled and continuously updated list of valid domains with a web service lookup to our servers. (Perform Web Service Lookup)
  • Personator will now append missing emails to your record just by selecting the “Append” option
  • Personator now has the ability to update your address to the new “Moved” address when “Move” is selected as the action

Build 3.1

Released January 2013

New Personator Component
  • New personator component has been added to ContactZone.
New MatchUp Component
Intersecting deduper
  • Re-Worked Intersecting Deduper for improved performance
New Match Code Editor Interface
  • Simplified and improved the MatchCode Editor
Added Fuzzy Matching Algorithms
The following algorithms were added for fuzzy matching compatibility:
  • N-Gram
  • Jaro
  • Jaro-Winkler
  • Longest Common Substring
  • Needleman-Wunsch
  • MD Keyboard
  • Smith-Waterman-Gotoh
  • Dice’s Coefficient
  • Jaccard Similarity
  • Overlap Coefficient
  • Double Metaphone
Added new Match Code Types
The following match code types were added to MatchUp:
  • Proximity
  • Numeric
  • Date
  • Presort data files has new rates now.
Windows 8 compatibility
  • ContactZone is now available and supported in Windows 8.

Build 3.1

Released October 2012

New IpLocator Component
  • IPLocator component will help you identify a IP address’s geographical location, i.e. country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code.
New Global Component
  • Global Component for validating and correcting international addresses is now released for ContactZone.
Contact Verify
  • Name object will run locally only
  • Company name standardization is now available.
New License management and component configuration
  • All licensing is handled by one license string, from the Melissa Data License Settings window. Only one license string is used for your Contact Zone components. If you wish to use a trial product in conjunction with your active subscription, enter a trial license under the Trial License section. Component Configuration
  • The functionality previously found in the advanced configuration dialog in each component has been moved to the Contact Zone Tools > Melissa Data Settings > Components menu. Each component has menu item here.
  • The “Test” button functionality previously found on the advanced configuration dialog has been replaced with a “Show Details” button in each component configuration dialog. The “Show Details” button will perform a test of the configuration of the component and display the results.