Contact Zone:SmartMover:Input

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The Input Columns tab configures the fields that will be used for the Change-of-Address lookup of the SmartMover Component, as well as the input for name splitting and address parsing.

To identify a changed address, the following fields are required for each record:

  1. Either FirstName and LastName, FullName or Company
  2. Address
  3. Either City and State, and or ZIP

Existing field names are selected using the dropdown boxes.

Input Name

Name Format

Full Name
If this is an individual person's address and the entire name is stored as a single string, pass the contents of that field here.
If the contact Name is already parsed, the Component can use information via the fields below.

Parsed Components

This would be a title or honorific such as "Mr," "Miss," or "Dr."
First Name
This field accepts the given name for each record containing an individual address.
Middle Name
This field accepts an individual's middle name if one exists.
Last Name
This field accepts the family name for each record containing an individual address.
This field accepts any part of the name that follows the family name, such as degrees ("MD" or "PhD") and generational indicators ("IV" or "Jr."), if one exists.

Input Address

If the database records may be business type, include the company field here.
Select the field in the input database that contains the first line of street address infor­mation. It may also contain secondary address information such as suite and private mailbox numbers.
Select the field in the input database that contains the second line of street address information, if any.
Select the field in the input database that contains the city information.
Select the field in the input database that contains the state information.
Zip/Postal Code
Select the field in the input database that contains the postal code information.

Additional Input Columns

Select the field in the input database that contains the Suite address information, if any.
Private Mailbox
Select the field in the input database that contains the Private Mailbox number, if any.
Select the field in the input database that contains the urbanization information, if any.
Urbanization is used to break ties between similar addresses in Puerto Rico. The urbanization name tells the address checking logic in which "neighborhood" to look, if more than one likely address candidate is found.
If just one address is found, the address checking logic can correct the address and return the urbanization name.
Plus 4
Select the field in the input database that contains the Plus 4 extension for US ZIP codes, if this information is stored separately.