Global Terms

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There are some differences between U.S. terms and global terms for common address elements. The list below contains Global terms and their respective analog in U.S. terms. This is useful to reference for Personator, Global Express Entry, Data Quality Components for Scribe Online, Data Quality Components for SSIS, Data Quality Components for Pentaho, and Contact Zone.

Global Term U.S. Term & Meaning
Organization Business/Company
Premises Street Number
Sub Premises Suite. Alphanumeric code identifying an individual location.
Double Dependent Locality Smallest population center data element.
Dependent Locality Urbanization. Smaller population center data element. Dependent on Locality.
Locality City. Most common population center data element.
Sub Administrative Area County. Smallest geographic data element.
Administrative Area State. Most common geographic data element.
Postal Code Zip (Plus 4). Complete postal code for a particular delivery point. In U.S. plus 4 is not required but will be appended if address is verified.
Address Type One-character code for the type of address coded.
Address Key Unique key generated for the address. Can be used by other Melissa Data products.
Sub National Area Arbitrary administrative region below that of the sovereign state.
Country Name Official country name.
Country ISO 03166_1_Alpha2. ISO 3166 2-character country code.

03166_1_Alpha3. ISO 3166 3-character country code.

03166_1_Numeric. ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code.

Thoroughfare Street. Most common street or block data element.
Thoroughfare Pre Direction Street PreDirection. Prefix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field.
Thoroughfare Leading Type Leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field.
Thoroughfare Name Street Name. Name indicator within the Thoroughfare field.
Thoroughfare Trailing Type Street Suffix. Trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field.
Thoroughfare Post Direction Street Post Direction. Postfix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field.
Dependent Thoroughfare Dependent street or block data element.
Dependent Thoroughfare Pre Direction Prefix directional contained within the Dependent Thoroughfare field.
Dependent Thoroughfare Leading Type Leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Dependent Thoroughfare field.
Dependent Thoroughfare Name Name indicator within the Dependent Thoroughfare field.
Dependent Thoroughfare Trailing Type Trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Dependent Thoroughfare field.
Dependent Thoroughfare Post Direction Postfix directional contained within the Dependent Thoroughfare field.
Building Descriptive name identifying an individual location.
Premises Type Leading premise type indicator within premises field.
Premises Number Alphanumeric indicator within premises field.
Sub Premises Type Suite Name. Sub premises type indicator within premises field.
Sub Premises Number Suite Number. Sub premises number indicator within premises field.
Post Box Post box information for a particular delivery point.
Latitude Geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point.
Longitude Geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point.