MatchUp Object:Enumerations
These Matchcode Mapping enumerations are used by the Read-Write AddMapping function, Incremental interface AddMapping function, and the Hybrid interface AddMapping function.
Name | Value |
Prefix | 1 |
Gender | 2 |
First | 3 |
MixedFirst | 4 |
Middle | 5 |
Last | 6 |
MixedLast | 7 |
Suffix | 8 |
FullName | 9 |
InverseName | 10 |
GovernmentInverseName | 11 |
Title | 12 |
Company | 13 |
Address | 14 |
City | 15 |
State | 16 |
Zip9 | 17 |
Zip5 | 18 |
Zip4 | 19 |
CityStZip | 20 |
Country | 21 |
CanadianPostalCode | 22 |
UKCity | 23 |
UKCounty | 24 |
UKPostcode | 25 |
UKCityCountyPC | 26 |
Phone | 27 |
28 | |
CreditCard | 29 |
General | 30 |
Latitude | 40 |
Longitude | 41 |
Date | 42 |
Numeric | 43 |
Address1 | 250 |
Address2 | 251 |
Address2 | 252 |
These Matchcode enumerations are used by the Matchcode SetStartPos function.
Name | Value | Description |
Left | 0x08 | The default. MatchUp Object starts counting from the beginning of the field. |
Right | 0x10 | MatchUp Object starts counting backwards from the end of the field. |
StartAtPos | 0x20 | MatchUp Object starts counting from the character position indicated by the SetStartPos function. |
StartAtWord | 0x40 | MatchUp Object starts counting from the word indicated by the SetStartPos function. |
These Matchcode Trim enumerations are used by the Matchcode SetTrim function.
Name | Value |
LeftTrim | 0x02 |
RightTrim | 0x04 |
AllTrim | 0x06 |
These Matchcode Fuzzy enumerations are used by the Matchcode SetFuzzy function.
Name | Value |
Exact | 0x0000 |
SoundEx | 0x0001 |
Phonetex | 0x0002 |
Containment | 0x0004 |
Frequency | 0x0008 |
FastNear | 0x0010 |
AccurateNear | 0x0020 |
VowelsOnly | 0x0040 |
ConsonantsOnly | 0x0080 |
AlphasOnly | 0x0100 |
NumericsOnly | 0x0200 |
FrequencyNear | 0x0400 |
NGram | 0x0800 |
Jaro | 0x1000 |
JaroWinkler | 0x2000 |
LCS | 0x4000 |
NeedlemanWunsch | 0x8000 |
MDKeyboard | 0x10000 |
SmithWatermanGotoh | 0x20000 |
Dice | 0x40000 |
Jaccard | 0x80000 |
Overlap | 0x100000 |
DoubleMetaphone | 0x200000 |
These Matchcode Field Match enumerations are used by the Matchcode SetFieldMatch function.
Name | Value |
NoFieldMatch | 0x0000 |
BothBlankMatch | 0x0100 |
OneBlankMatch | 0x0200 |
InitialMatch | 0x0400 |
These Matchcode Combination enumerations are used by the Matchcode SetCombination function.
Name | Value |
Combo1 | 0x0001 |
Combo2 | 0x0002 |
Combo3 | 0x0004 |
Combo4 | 0x0008 |
Combo5 | 0x0010 |
Combo6 | 0x0020 |
Combo7 | 0x0040 |
Combo8 | 0x0080 |
Combo9 | 0x0100 |
Combo10 | 0x0200 |
Combo11 | 0x0400 |
Combo12 | 0x0800 |
Combo13 | 0x1000 |
Combo14 | 0x2000 |
Combo15 | 0x4000 |
Combo16 | 0x8000 |
These Matchcode Field Match enumerations are used by the Matchcode SetSwap function.
Name | Value |
NoSwap | 0x00 |
SwapA | 0x01 |
SwapB | 0x02 |
SwapC | 0x04 |
SwapD | 0x08 |
SwapE | 0x10 |
SwapF | 0x20 |
SwapG | 0x40 |
SwapH | 0x80 |
These Matchcode status enumerations are used by the AddMatchcodeItem, InsertMatchcodeItem, ChangeMatchcodeItem, and DeleteMatchcodeItem functions.
Name | Value |
MCNoError | 0 |
MCFirstComponentFuzzyOptions | 1 |
MCFirstComponentNoSwapPair | 2 |
MCDataTypeNoFuzzy | 3 |
MCComponentFuzzyIncorrectSize | 4 |
MCDataTypeNoMaximumNumberWords | 5 |
MCDataTypeNoStartRightOrWordOrPos | 6 |
MCIncorrectMaximumNumberWords | 7 |
MCNearOutOfRange | 8 |
MCFirstComponentNotUsedInEveryCondition | 9 |
MCCannotChangeFirstComponent | 10 |
MCInvalidSwapPair | 11 |