SSIS:Fuzzy Match:Advanced Configuration

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Fuzzy Match Navigation
Advanced Configuration
Fuzzy Match Tabs
Advanced Options
Source Pass-Through Columns
Compare Pass-Through Columns
Matching Algorithms
Result Codes
Returned Result Codes
Result Codes

Advanced Configuration is located in the Fuzzy Match Component under File > Advanced Configuration.


The On-Premise Settings dialog is where you enter the basic information required for the Fuzzy Match Component to operate.


License String
Your license string will activate the product for use.

Default Settings

The options selected here will be the initial settings for every comparison added from the Matches Tab.
Upper Matching Threshold
If a comparison produces a percentage above this percentage, it will be considered a match.
Lower Matching Threshold
If a comparison produces a percentage below this percentage, it will be considered a non-match.
Remove Whitespace
Checking this will cause the Fuzzy Match Component to ignore any space characters as well as letter casing.
Regular Expression Search
The Fuzzy Match Component will use this regular expression to match text in the source field and replace it according to the contents of the Regular Express Replace Field below.
Regular Expression Replace
If this field is blank, any text that matches the Regular Express Search will be deleted from the source data.

Regular Expression Behavior

Checking the box will cause the Fuzzy Match Component to ignore upper and lower case when using the Regular Expression Search.

Test Configuration (On-Premise)

The Test Configuration screen for On-Premise Processing displays basic information about the component.

Customer ID
Displays the Customer ID associated with the license string.
Component Version
Displays the current SSIS component version.
License Expiration
Displays the date when the Fuzzy Match Component license will expire.
Build Number
Displays the current development release build number of the Global Verify Component for SSIS. This is usually a three or four-character string.
Displays any error messages generated by initializing the Fuzzy Match Component.