Issues:MatchUp Object
MatchUp Object known issues.
MatchUp API
Version 3.14
Released February 2007
- When a match group contains records because of one blank (short) matching, there is a chance that DTReadRecord may return a Dupe Group of 0 and a count of 0 for at least one of those records, even though its error code signifies it is matched as part of the group.
- This will be fixed in the next version
- Unknown or Negative return codes.
- There is a problem with the high order bit (32) which is used in some languages and data types as a sign bit. Because the high order bits 32 - 17, which return the error codes are transposed, i.e.: bit 32 was combo 1, 31 was combo 2, etc - you get unknown or negative numbers returned when records matched using combination 1.
- Status
- This will be fixed in the next build. . There is an update for the API in the works, and we are looking into addressing this issue.
- Workaround
- Make sure to use combinations 16, 15, 14, etc (instead of 1, 2, 3, etc) in your code. Make sure to convert the signed integer into an unsigned after it has been read:
If (Error<0) Error=Error+4294967296
- In case you’re wondering, 4294967296 is (2^32), which converts the number to it’s “2’s complement”.
- Function Declarations incorrectly defined as DtApi.
- The following function Declarations should read “Dt3Api”, not “DtApi” as below and in Visual Basic standard module DtApi.bas.
- Declare Sub BDTClose Lib "DtApi" (ByVal hDeduper As Long)
- Declare Sub DbgDTClose Lib "DtApi" (ByVal hDeduper As Long)
- Status
- This will be fixed in the next release.
- Workaround
- This could be fixed by simply changing DtApi to Dt3Api