Tutorial:Data quality project using Address Check

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Getting Started

Data Quality Services uses a knowledge base to compare against a data set you provide to run a data quality project. So you must first set up a knowledge base and then run a data quality project.

Knowledge base management

The knowledge base is what you will compare your data to, so it is important to note that your data cleansing will only be as good as your knowledge base.

Setting up a new knowledge base

  1. Select New Knowledge Base.
  2. Enter a Name and Description for the New Knowledge Base.
    • Ensure that Domain Management is selected.
  3. Click Next.
    • Wait a few moments for the new knowledge base to be created.

Domain management

A domain is a named data set, and a composite domain is a grouping of domains. For instance, as a domain you can have: Address, City, State, and Zip. Then for a composite domain you group these four domains under Address Record.

Setting up new domains

  1. Select the Create a domain icon.
  2. Enter a Domain Name and Description for the new domain.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Make as many new domains as you need.
  5. In order to group the domains you create a composite domain:
  6. Click the Create a composite domain icon.
  7. Enter a Composite Domain Name and Description.
  8. Select which domains you want to add to the composite domain by selecting the domain in the Domains List, then clicking the arrow to move the domain to Domains in Composite Domain.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Make as many new composite domains as you need.
  11. Under each composite domain, select the Reference Data tab.
  12. Click Browse and check the check box next to Melissa Data - Address Check.
  13. Under the Melissa Data - Address Check section, map the RDS Schema to the Domains you created and placed under this Composite Domain.
    • For example: Map AddressLine (M) to Address.
  14. Click Add Schema Entry to map additional schema to domains.
  15. When you are done mapping the schema, click OK.

Providers settings

With a composite domain selected, you can modify the settings of the Melissa Data - Address Check service. This includes the Auto Correction Threshold, Suggested Candidates, and Min Confidence.

Auto Correction Threshold

This decimal value sets the confidence threshold for records to be automatically corrected by Melissa Data.

Suggested Candidates

This determines the number of possible suggestions you will receive for an invalid record that can be corrected.

Min Confidence

This decimal value sets the minimum confidence required for a record to be considered valid. All other records will be set as invalid and not correctable

  1. Once you are satisfied with your Domain Management, click Finish.
    • You will then be prompted to publish the Knowledge Base with the latest changes.
  2. Click Publish.
  3. Click OK.