← MatchUp
Welcome to the Melissa Data MatchUp Web Service. The MatchUp Web Service is used to match user records according to a user-specified matchcode. This web service is different from most of the other Melissa Data Web Services in that it is batch-oriented. This means that a single request record is not returned with response data about that record independant of other record requests. A user submits a series of records, tells the web service to start processing, and then retrieves the records. The service response for each record will indicate whether it matched any other records in the submitted job.
You can use MatchUp to:
- Indicate if a record is unique or matches any other records in a submitted record set.
- Create a unique group identifier used to group and query all records that matched each other
- Count number of records in each matched group
- Using these output properties not only indicates the status of a single record, but by aggregating them, can be used to clean or evaluate the status of an entire database.