Express Entry:ExpressCityState
ExpressCityState is provided as a means of retrieving U.S. city, state, and postal code combinations using the city name. This can be useful when a list of postal code information for a city is desired.
Example Call{FORMAT}&id={ID}&city={CITY}&state={STATE}&postalcode={POSTALCODE}&maxrecords={MAXRECORDS}
- ?format=
- The response will be formatted according to the value set here.
- Valid values are: XML and JSON.
- &id=
- The ID element can contain your user ID, a complete License Key, or a token.
- &city=
- Using the City in a query will help refine results, limiting responses accordingly.
- &state=
- Limit the search to the selected state.
- &postalcode=
- Using the postal code in a query will help refine results, limiting responses accordingly.
- &maxrecords=
- Maxrecords is provided to control the number of results returned from a request to the service.
- The default value is 10.