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Updated Global Verify Component

Melissa’s Global Verify component in SSIS has been updated with Global Email Web Service V4. The new Global Email Web Service offers new response fields specifically for Email domain information. There are 2 additional response fields. The Deliverability Confidence Score which returns a probability percentage [0-100] %, of a successful mailbox delivery. As well as the Privacy Flag field, top level domains or countries that may be sensitive to privacy laws like GDPR (European Countries). Returns Y for yes and N for no.

The update will also apply changes to Melissa’s Result Codes. Global Verify will no longer return the result code of ES02 – Invalid Email. Please refer to the advisory section for more information.

Global Verify: New Response Fields

  • Domain Age Estimated: The estimated age of the domain in days.
  • Domain Expiration Date: The date the domain expires/expired in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
  • Domain Created Date: The date the domain was created in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
  • Domain Updated Date: The date the domain was last updated in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
  • Domain Email: The email associated with the domain.
  • Domain Organization: The organization associated with the domain.
  • Domain Address 1: The street address associated with the domain.
  • Domain Locality: The locality associated with the domain.
  • Domain Administrative Area: The administrative area associated with the domain.
  • Domain Postal Code: The postal code associated with the domain.
  • Domain Country: The country associated with the domain.
  • Domain Country Code: The country code associated with the domain.
  • Domain Availability: Check to see if domain is available for purchase.
  • Domain Private Proxy: Check if domain is behind a private proxy.
  • Deliverability Confidence Score: Returns the probability [0-100] % of an email sent to this mailbox will be successfully delivered.
  • Privacy Flag: The top level domains or countries that may be sensitive to privacy laws. Returns Y for yes and N for no.


With regards to our Global Verify component now using Global Email Web Service V4, the result code of ES02 has been removed. If your logic is dependent on the Result Code ES02, please modify the logic in your code accordingly and follow proper update procedures to prevent sudden disruption of service. Errors will simply result in EEXX format, indicating Email Errors. For more information regarding our Email Error result codes, see the Global Email Result Codes.

2005 and 2008 SSIS Components are no longer being updated and supported. These components will now remain static. This release officially supports SQL Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017.

Additional Information

You can continue to use our existing Global Email Web Service V3 by simply unchecking the Global Verify component in the SSIS installer. This will ensure that the Global Verify component will not be updated.

The Global Email Web Service V3 service will no longer receive feature updates.
For further information, please visit Melissa’s SSIS Global Verify Component, Email Tab.