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← Data Quality Components for Talend


These are the steps to install a Melissa Component for Talend.

Create Component Directory

1. Create a directory to hold the component on your pc. This will be in a location of your choosing. Be sure to note the location of this directory.

Create Cache Directory

2. Create a directory to hold the cached data files on your pc. This will also be in a location of your choosing. Be sure to note the location of this directory.

Extract Files

3. Extract all the files from the zip file into the component directory from step #1.

Set User Component Folder

4. You now need to set the "User Component Folder". Do the following steps in order:

  • Open Talend
  • Navigate to Window->Preferences
  • The navigate to Talend->Components
  • Set "User Component Folder" to the directory we created in step #1

Set up Libraries and Java Wrappers

5. (Global Address Only). In order to allow Talend to make use of our API, we must build a wrapper and point Talend to the wrapper and our libraries:

  1. Navigate to <GlobalAddrDistro>/address/linux/interfaces/java and build mdGlobalAddr.jar wrapper using BuildWrapper.sh (More information can be found in README.txt.)
  2. Move mdGlobalAddr.jar to your talend binary directory.
  3. Navigate to <GlobalAddrDistro>/address/linux/gcc41_64bit and move all *.so files to your Talend binary directory.
  • Linux user tip: you can move your *.so files (not the wrapper.jar) to a centralized location and reference it in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Some distros may allow /usr/lib64 as another location to place the files.
  1. Navigate to <GlobalAddrDistro>\address\windows\interfaces\Java and build mdGlobalAddr.jar wrapper using CreateJarFile.bat (More information can be found in readme.txt.)
  2. Move mdGlobalAddr.jar to your Talend binary directory.
  3. Navigate to <GlobalAddrDistro>\address\windows\samples\Java and move mdGlobalAddrJavaWrapper.dll to your Talend binary directory.
  4. Navigate to <GlobalAddrDistro>\address\windows\dll_64bit and move all *.dll files to your Talend binary directory.

Create New Job

6. Create a new job and find the Melissa Component in the Talend palette.

Add Component

7. Drop the Melissa Component into the job.

Open Configuration Menu

8. Double click the component to open up the configuration menu.

Set Cache Directories (Only for Personator Component)

9. Now set the "Cache Directory". Do the following steps in order:

  • Navigate to Advanced Settings
  • Set "Cache Directory" to the cache directory that we created in step #2

Finish Configuration

10. Configure the rest of the options per your desired operation.

You are now ready to start using the Data Quality Components for Talend.