Express Entry:Best Practices
Abbreviations are used for predirectionals, such as ‘NW 5th Street’. The system will not produce a match if the client uses ‘NorthWest’ or ‘North West’.
Allwords Search
When using the allwords search in CompleteAddress, matching city names may come up first in the list (the first user-entered search term will not necessarily match the street name first).
Sample Code Fields
In the sample code, all that is needed to access the fields that are populated by the service is the field name (for example, . Once the data entry user selects a choice from the listbox, the information is ready to place into variables.
User Address Search
The data entry user can ‘search’ for an address using backspace and entering different characters in the search box. The service supports this feature. Add characters to narrow the search, take away characters to broaden the search.
Tab Stops
The sample code (VB and C#) tab stops are set in the form so that the user can use the keyboard without the mouse to use the service.
Check the system status page on the Melissa Data Support Web site for an update on bugs and features that may be added.
'Official' City Name
In the fielded query, (which uses the CompleteZIP service), where multiple city names are offered, choose only the ‘official’ city name. Abbreviated cities may not contain thoroughfare names.