StyleList known issues.
Phone data type
- Input phone patterns with slashes do not process correctly. The Output phone is left unchanged.
Company data type
- 4 letter last names are returned UPPER cased, like they’re acronyms. These are words not in either Company lookup table, which may be present in a company ( i.e. A law firm ‘Brown, Best & Byle LLC’ returns ‘Brown, Best & BYLE, LLC’.
CSZ data type
- Cities which are also a State get abbreviated when processing City State Zip data.
Ex. Washington, GA à Wa, Ga Washington, Georgia à Washington, Georgia
Name data type
- Punctuation does not get added to a middle initial ‘O’ ( ‘O’ gets a special treatment in processing in its attempt to recognize ‘Irish’ formatted last names ).
Ex. John N Smith à John N. Smith John O Smith à John O Smith
Add Punctuation
- Does not work if you choose ‘No casing’ ( the casing option overrides the add punctuation option ).
Ex. DR SMITHà DR SMITH Dr. Smithà Dr. Smith
CSZ data type
- The “New York” in “Anytown, New York 11111” does not get abbreviated for a target size 22, but “Anytown, Georgia 11111” does.
Expand: Address data type
- A street address entry with an ampersand causes one of the few words which have a 'start / end' flag in the lookup table to get processed incorrectly. Start / End means that it is a word which has a different expansion for its location. St at the start of an address field is more likely to be 'Saint', at the end 'Street'.
Ex. 21st. & St. Louis St. à 21st Street Louis Street 2 St. Louis St. à 2 St Louis Street
- If you are sitting on the last record, and you select either of the ‘Next’ edit buttons, the program will crash.
- If you select ‘Any Field’ on the ‘Locate Again’ tool, the program will crash.