Canadian Postal Data:Reports

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← Canadian Postal Data

Canadian Postal Data Navigation
Database Layouts

Coverage Report

Determine if the geo points are located within the shape of the polygon. If outside the shape, we calculate the closest distance from the point to the shape.
  • The distance was measured with Euclidean distance.
  • Average distance for points outside shape: is less than 100 Meters from the polygon
  • Average distance that was greater than 0: is still less than 100 Meters
  • The majority of Addresses are located inside the polygon.

Visual Report

Visual Check
Visually compare polygon shape to a third party data provider, ex. Google.
  • Shape: The geometric figure or the appearance is similar (will not account for surface area)
  • Edge: Check to see if the outer bounds of the shape matches
  • Surface Area: The amount of land covered by the shape
  • Position: Determine if the shape is in the correct location (using streets, parks, highways as reference)
  • Multi Polygons exists because individual addresses used to create the outer bounds of the shape. These shapes are separated by streets, bodies of water, parks and highways.
  • Our Polygons contains multiple vertices to define the postal code polygon. We do not use interpolation when creating these shapes.