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!style="border-right:0px;"|Optional Output Parameter
!style="border-right:0px;"|Optional Output Parameter
Dwelling type:
#Single and Multi-Family
#Single Family Only
#Multi-Family Only
|All inclusive
|To specify an index: dwell=x
|One contact per address.
|Return all contacts: one=0
|Records with zip+4 info only.
|Zip4 addresses only: zip4=1

Revision as of 17:07, 16 November 2015

← LeadGen Cloud API

LeadGen Consumer Navigation
Request Parameters
XML Response
Consumer Result Codes

Standard Components

Parameter Definition
Version Web Service version.
Web Service Consumer
Protocol REST. The protocol used by the Web Service.
Action "get" or "buy"
Geographic type ZIP, city, county, state, radius. See Geographic Types for more info.
Customer ID The requester’s Customer ID or email address.


The following actions are supported by the web service:

Action Service Description
Get Get count of consumers that fit in the given criteria.
Buy Buy a list of consumers’ info that fit the given criteria.


Each Customer’s ID or email address is passed in as id in the URL. It is checked against the list of registered customers.


URL Parameter Description
id Required. User ID or Email Address. You must be subscribed to the LeadGen Customer Web Service.

Geographic Types

Each request must specify a geographic type.

Don't forget! The call URL format: Consumer Call Format.

For examples of each type, see Geographic Type Examples below.

URL Parameter Format Required Optional Get/Buy
zip? 5-digit ZIP or 9-digit ZIP+4. Multiple ZIP or ZIP+4 can be requested, comma separated with no space. zip= Get/Buy
city? 2-digit state;city name. Multiple cities be requested, comma separated with no space. city= Get/Buy
county? 2-digit state;county name. Multiple counties be requested, comma separated with no space. county= Get/Buy
state? 2-digit state. State requests will return records from a specified state. Multiple states be requested, comma separated with no space. st= Get/Buy
radius? Radius requests will return the nearest records to the selected address, up to 100,000 records (65,535 when requesting Excel files). records= mile=

str= strzip=

street? Returns the records from a specified street within a specified ZIP code. str= Get/Buy
CitiesByCounty? Returns a complete list of cities within the specified U.S. County. Get
CitiesByState? Returns a complete list of cities within the specified U.S. State. Get
CountiesByState? Returns a complete list of counties within the specified U.S. State. Get
States? Returns a complete list of Sates within the United States of America. Get
ZipsByCity? Returns a complete list of ZIP Codes within the specified City. State is separated from city with a “;” semi-colon. Multiple entries are delimited with a “,” comma. Get

Geographic Type Examples

These are base examples that do not have any demographic options added.

URL Parameter Example URL
zip? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/zip?id=customer@domain.com&zip=926882112,92612
city? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/city?id=customer@domain.com&city=ca;irvine,tx;dallas
county? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/county?id=customer@domain.com&county=ca;lake,ak;anchorage
state? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/state?id=customer@domain.com&st=ca,ak
radius? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/radius?id=customer@domain.com&addr=22382avenidaempresa&zip=92688&records=100&mile=1
street? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/street?id=customer@domain.com&zip=92688&str=empresa
CitiesByCounty? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/CitiesByCounty?id=customer@domain.com&st=ca&county=orange
CitiesByState? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/CitiesByState?id=customer@domain.com&st=ak
CountiesByState? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/CountiesByState?id=customer@domain.com&st=ak
States? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/States?id=customer@domain.com
ZipsByCity? http://list.melissadata.net/V1/Consumer/rest/Service.svc/get/ZipsByCity?id=customer@domain.com&city=ca;irvine,ca;tustin


Each request takes a set of geographic input. Consumer address types and other input are optional with default values, as well as purchase options. See Columns in File for the format of all columns appended to file.

Geographic Options

URL Parameter Geographic Type Description

Required: street

Optional: radius

For street: If exact street name cannot be found, similar street names will be returned. Ex: If no street called “Gilberto” is found, similar streets like “Gilberto Ave” and “Gilberton” will be returned.

For radius: Exact street name will be searched within the radius. If nothing found, nothing is returned.

records Required: radius

Defines the number of records to be returned.

mile Optional: radius Defines the number of miles from &addr and &zip a record can be returned. If used with &records the search will be for the specified number of records within the given number of miles. Maximum value is 10.
strzip Optional: radius All addresses within the radius and with this zip will be returned.

Demographic Options

May be dash delimited to include specific ranges.

URL Parameter Description Include All Exclude Specify Range
hInc Household Income. For a list of possible values, see hInc Values. hInc= hInc=0 hInc-d=value
cAge Contact Age Group. For a list of possible values, see cAge Values. cAge= cAge=0 cAge-d=value
ownRent Home Owner/ Renter. For a list of possible values, see ownRent Values. ownRent= ownRent=0 ownRent-d=value
marital Marital Status. For a list of possible values, see marital Values. marital= marital=0 marital-d=value
resLen Length of Residency. For a list of possible values, see resLen Values. resLen= resLen=0 resLen-d=value
hAge Household Age Code. For a list of possible values, see hAge Values. hAge= hAge=0 hAge-d=value
people Total number of people in Household. For a list of possible values, see people Values. people= people=0 people-d=value
adults Number of Adults in Household. For a list of possible values, see adults Values. adults= adults=0 adults-d=value
kids Number of Children in Household. For a list of possible values, see kids Values. kids= kids=0 kids-d=value
cCard Household Credit Card Info. For a list of possible values, see cCard Values. cCard= cCard=0 cCard-d=value
mail Mail Responsive Info. For a list of possible values, see mail Values. mail= mail=0 mail-d=value
worth Net Worth. For a list of possible values, see worth Values. worth= worth=0 worth-d=value
home Target Home Valuation Mode In 1,000s. For a list of possible values, see home Values. home= home=0 home-d=value

Purchase Options

The following options are for buy requestes only.

URL Parameter Description Default Value Optional Output Parameter
multi Buy Requests Only. By default, purchased lists may be used once. With this parameter included in the Buy call, you can purchase the right to use a list for multiple mailings. Specify the number of uses like this: multi=4. The maximum number of uses allowed for any purchased list is 5. multi=1 multi=(1 through 5)
file Buy Requests Only. Defines the desired file format of a purchased list. file=8
Value File Format
2 Zipped .txt
3 Zipped .csv
5 Zipped .xls (Excel)
7 .txt
8 .csv
10 .xls (Excel)
po Buy Requests Only. Defines the customer’s purchase order number. N/A To specify: po=xxxx

General Options

URL Parameter Description Default Value Optional Output Parameter

Dwelling type:

  1. Single and Multi-Family
  2. Single Family Only
  3. Multi-Family Only
All inclusive To specify an index: dwell=x
one One contact per address. one=1 Return all contacts: one=0
zip4 Records with zip+4 info only. zip4=0 Zip4 addresses only: zip4=1
dbug Parameter check. If a parameter in the url is spelled wrong or not suited for the given call, the request will be rejected. dbug=0 To check: dbug=1

Option Values

hInc Values

Value Income Range
1 Less than $14,999
2 $15,000 - $19,999
3 $20,000 - $29,999
4 $30,000 - $39,999
5 $40,000 - $49,999
6 $50,000 - $74,999
7 $75,000 - $99,999
8 $100,000 - $124,999
9 $125,000 - $149,999
10 $150,000 - $174,999
11 $175,000 - $199,999
12 $200,000 - $249,999
13 $250,000 or more.

cAge Values

Value Age Group
1 18-20 years
2 21-25 years
3 26-30 years
4 31-35 years
5 36-40 years
6 41-45 years
7 46-50 years
8 51-55 years
9 56-60 years
10 61-65 years
11 66-70 years
12 71-75 years
13 76+ years

ownRent Values

Value Owner/Renter Status
1 Home Owner
2 Renter

marital Values

Value Marital Status
1 Unknown
2 Household contains at least 1 married person
3 Household contains at least 1 single person
4 Household contains both married & single persons

resLen Values

Value Time Range
1 0-6 Months
2 7-12 Months
3 1-2 Years
4 3-5 Years
5 6-10 Years
6 11-15 Years
7 16-20 Years
8 20+ Years

hAge Values

Value Age Range
1 18-24 Years Old
2 25-34 Years Old
3 35-44 Years Old
4 45-54 Years Old
5 55-64 Years Old
6 65-74 Years Old
7 75+ Years Old

people Values

Value Number of persons in Household
1 1 Person
2 2 Persons
3 3 Persons
4 4 Persons
5 5 Persons
6 6 Persons
7 7 Persons
8 8 Persons
9 9+ Persons

adults Values

Value Number of Adults in Household
1 1 Adult
2 2 Adults
3 3 Adults
4 4 Adults
5 5+ Adults

kids Values

Value Number of Children in Household
1 1 Child
2 2 Children
3 3 Children
4 4 Children
5 5 Children
6 6 Chidlren
7 7 Children
8 8 Children
9 9+ Children

cCard Values

Value Type of Credit Card
1 Miscellaneous Credit Card
2 Standard Retail Card
3 Standard Specialty Card
4 Upscale Retail Card
5 Upscale Specific Retail Card
6 Bank Card
7 Oil/Gas Card
8 Finance Company Card
9 Travel/Entertainment Card

mail Values

Value Mail Responsive Info
1 Mail Buyer Indicator
2 Mail Donor Indicator

worth Values

Value Net Worth
1 Less than $25,000
2 $25,000 - $49,999
3 $50,000 - $74,999
4 $75,000 - $99,999
5 $100,000 - $149,999
6 $150,000 - $249,999
7 $250,000 - $499,999
8 $500,000 - $749,999
9 $750,000 - $999,999
10 $1,000,000 or More

home Values

Value Home Value
1 $1 - $49,999
2 $50,000 - $99,999
3 $100,000 - $149,999
4 $150,000 - $199,999
5 $200,000 - $249,999
6 $250,000 - $299,999
7 $300,000 - $349,999
8 $350,000 - $399,999
9 $400,000 - $449,999
10 $450,000 - $499,999
11 $500,000 - $574,999
12 $575,000 - $649,999
13 $650,000 - $724,999
14 $725,000 - $799,999
15 $800,000 - $899,999
16 $900,000 - $999,999
17 $1,000,000 - $1,999,999
18 $2,000,000 or More