MatchUp Web Service:Result Codes

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Result Codes
Result Code Use
MatchUp Result Codes
Sample Code

Result Code Use

Melissa's products use a result code system to indicate data quality; the status and any errors. These result codes are four-character codes (two letters followed by two numbers), delimited by commas. Result code definitions are shared among Melissa products.


An example returned result code string:


Instead of looking at multiple properties and methods to determine status, you can look at the output of the results parameter.

From this output you can determine that the business was:

Code Short Description Long Description
MS02 Has Duplicates The record matched other records and was tagged as the output record.
MS06 Match: Rule 1 Records were matched by matchcode combination 1.

For more detailed information on Match Rules please see MatchUp Web Service Basic Usage.

Understanding the Code

To fully understand result codes, you need to know them. Knowing what codes are possible and what they indicate will be key in building an effective application. It is useful to know all the codes, but this does not necessarily mean you will use them all. Just because you have a toolbox, doesn't mean you will also try to use a screwdriver along with a hammer on a nail.

Checking Individual Codes

Most of the requests will return a Result Code property = "" (blank string, or no error codes) upon success. But that doesn't mean all MatchUp requests return an error or non-blank code. For example, when a job has been submitted and a request is made for GetJobStatus, a returned GE54 or GE55 tells you the job (could be millions of records) is not yet completed, and that until the job is completed (GE56) you may want to create a loop in your application:

while  (JobStatusResponse.Result NOT "GE56") 

This will tell you the Service is now ready for your application to call the Retrieve Records request. Likewise, additional coding should be added to trap result codes where the job has been stopped.