RightFielder Object:Config Example

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mdRightFielder.cfg Case Studies

The mdRightFielder.cfg file is a plain text file that users can use to override the default entries contained in the mdRightFielder.dat data file.

For complete instructions of available tables and types which can be overridden, as well as syntax and examples, open the mdRightFielder.cfg in a text editor and follow the instructions.

There are 3 types of modifications that can be made in mdRightFielder.cfg:

Lookup Table Overrides

This is the addition or removal of words (and phrases) to the Object’s dictionaries. This essentially expands (or limits) Right Fielder’s vocabulary.

There are three lookup tables in Right Fielder Object:

  • LeftToken – used to recognize words and phrases that usually appear at the start of data (name, company, titles)
  • MiddleToken – used to recognize words and phrases that usually appear at the middle of the data (addresses, apartments, PO Boxes, etc)
  • RightToken – used to recognize words and phrases that usually appear at the end of data (city, state, country)

Example: You're processing a database of car dealerships and the company recognition isn’t fielding car companies correctly. Processing might be a lot more accurate if you would modify the LeftToken table in this way:


Regular Expression Overrrides

The addition of regular expressions that are used to recognize specific character patterns (for example, phone numbers, e-mails, etc).

Pattern Table Overrides

The addition or removal of patterns of words and phrases. Words and phrases are first identified via Lookup Tables and assigned tokens (specified in the Lookup Table itself). Sequences of tokens (patterns) are matched to entries in this table and transformed into output data.

Example mdRightFielder.cfg Overrides

NOTES on cfg overrides