Data Quality Components for Scribe Online:Overview: Difference between revisions

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Oscar (talk | contribs)
Line 69: Line 69:
*SubAdministrativeArea = County Smallest geographic data element.
*SubAdministrativeArea = County Smallest geographic data element.
*AdministrativeArea = State Most common geographic data element.
*AdministrativeArea = State Most common geographic data element.
*PostalCode Zip (plus 4) = Complete postal code for a particular delivery point. In U.S. plus 4 is not required but will be  
*PostalCode Zip (plus 4) = Complete postal code for a particular delivery point. In U.S. plus 4 is not required but will be appended if address is verified.
appended if address is verified.
*AddressType=  One-character code for the type of address coded.
*AddressType=  One-character code for the type of address coded.
*AddressKey = Unique key generated for the address. Can be used by other Melissa Data products.
*AddressKey = Unique key generated for the address. Can be used by other Melissa Data products.

Revision as of 18:22, 24 June 2014

← Data Quality Components for Scribesoft

Personator for Scribesoft

Data quality functionality to cross-reference the validity of your CRM data by verifying a U.S. customer record is deliverable, and that names correspond to address, email, and telephone data. Also adds missing data to complete your contact records and provides you with the new addresses of people and companies that have moved.

The main data elements include:

  • Check - Parse, validate, geocode, and more.

The Check action allows you:

  • to pass in a series of records and find any invalid addresses, phone numbers, or emails.
  • to correct errors within the data.
  • to append additional data to the records.
  • or to parse out specific types of data from the input.

Within the Check action there is an optional feature called AdvancedAddressCorrection (AAC). This feature leverages the name input with the record to make more aggressive corrections and appends to an address. It can correct or add house numbers, cities, states, and ZIP Codes. AAC is available only for US addresses.

  • Verify - Next-generation contact data verification.

The Verify action compares different groups of data to the centric group defined by the user. It verifies the record as a whole, letting you know whether each group coincides with the centric piece of data in the Melissa Data Knowledge Base. You can define fields like address, phone number, or email as the centric data against which the other groups of data are compared. Auto-detection of the centric data is also available. The Verify action returns only results codes, telling you which sections of data passed verification against the centric data and which sections did not. With Verify, you can enter records, select the centric data as the field you are most confident in, and determine the accuracy of your input information. The Verify action is available only for US addresses.

  • Append - Add emails, phone numbers, names, and company names to your records. Giving you the freshest and most up-to-date contact information.

The Append action allows you to enrich your US contact records with data returned by the Personator Web Service. The service will return elements based on the selected point of centricity which can either be the address, email, or phone. Through the Append action, you can fill in missing information in your contacts, correct them, and ensure that each of the data elements coincide, thus giving an accurate representation of each contact record.

  • Move - Find customers who have recently moved.

The Move action allows you to update your US contact records with data returned by the Personator Web Service. The service allows for retrieving the most current address for a person or business. Thus if an old address is entered for a particular individual, Personator will return the latest address for that

When you assemble a complete, holistic record knowing each contact point is deliverable and accurate against USPS® and Telco information, you'll be able to improve customer/prospect communications, easily identify purchasing trends, and mitigate risks.

Global Address Verification for Scribesoft

Global Address Verification puts address in standardized mailing format for each specific country and correct global addresses for better matching and consolidation. It supports data in any UTF8 language and adds missing components such as postal codes, region etc.

  • Supports 240 countries in the world.
  • Will detail both the accuracy of a given address and the possible accuracy of a given country.
  • Still supports the expected accuracy

U.S. and Global Terms

There are some differences between U.S. terms and global terms for common address elements.

  • Organization = Company
  • PostalCode = ZIP™
  • AdministrativeArea = State
  • Thoroughfare = Street
  • SubAdministrativeArea = County
  • Premises = Street Number
  • Locality = City
  • SubPremises = Suite
  • DependentLocality = Urbanization
  • Organization Business/Company
  • SubPremises Suite = Alphanumeric code identifying an individual location.*DoubleDependentLocality = Smallest population center data element.
  • DependentLocality = Smaller population center data element. Dependent on Locality.
  • Locality City = Most common population center data element.
  • SubAdministrativeArea = County Smallest geographic data element.
  • AdministrativeArea = State Most common geographic data element.
  • PostalCode Zip (plus 4) = Complete postal code for a particular delivery point. In U.S. plus 4 is not required but will be appended if address is verified.
  • AddressType= One-character code for the type of address coded.
  • AddressKey = Unique key generated for the address. Can be used by other Melissa Data products.
  • SubNationalArea = Arbitrary administrative region below that of the sovereign state.
  • CountryName = Official country name.
  • CountryISO = 03166_1_Alpha2, ISO 3166 2-character country code. 03166_1_Alpha3, ISO 3166 3-character country code, 03166_1_Numeric, ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code.
  • Thoroughfare Street = Most common street or block data element.
  • ThoroughfarePreDirection = Street PreDirection Prefix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field.
  • ThoroughfareLeadingType = Leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field.
  • ThoroughfareName = Street Name Name indicator within the Thoroughfare field.
  • ThoroughfareTrailingType = Street Suffix Trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field.
  • ThoroughfarePostDirection = Street PostDirection Postfix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field.
  • DependentThoroughfare = Dependent street or block data element.
  • PreDirection = Prefix directional contained within the DependentThoroughfare field.
  • LeadingType = Leading thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field.
  • Name= Name indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field.
  • TrailingType= Trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field.
  • PostDirection = Postfix directional contained within the DependentThoroughfare field.
  • Building Descriptive name identifying an individual location.
  • PremisesType = Leading premise type indicator within premises field.
  • PremisesNumber = Alphanumeric indicator within premises field.
  • SubPremisesType = Suite Name Sub premises type indicator within premises field.
  • SubPremisesNumber = Suite Number Sub premises number indicator within premises field.
  • PostBox = Post box information for a particular delivery point.
  • Latitude = Geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point.
  • Longitude = Geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point.