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← Clean Suite for CRM:Dynamics

Personator Navigation
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Personator Tutorial

Note: In order to use the Personator service, you must first configure the License Key and options.

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Personator service in Microsoft Dynamics CRM in the Contact entity.

1. Hover over the Sales button on the top ribbon. Then click Contacts.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 01.png
Click Contacts

2. Click New to create a new Contact.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 02.png
Click New to create a new Contact

3. Enter a first name and last name into the appropriate fields, then click Done.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 03.png
Enter information and click Done

4. Enter the input information. Address will be entered in this example.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 04.png
Enter input information

5. Click the Personator button in the top ribbon.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 05.png
Click Personator button

6. Check that the Process Date field reflects the current date and time.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 06.png
Verify Process Date

7. The Processed Results will show immediate feedback in a simple way that interprets the output.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 07.png
View Processed Results

8. Scroll down to view the detailed output.

File:Dynamics Personator Tutorial 08.png
Scroll to view output