Street Route:Response

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← Street Route Cloud API

Street Route Navigation
Request Fields
Response Fields
Batch JSON
Result Codes
Result Code Use
Street Route Result Codes
Sample Code

A response is the result of a request. This consists of returned results codes and Business details.

Street Route supports the JSON response protocol.

Field Names

This is a list of the response field names and their protocol naming conventions.

Field Name Level JSON
Version Response Version
Units Units
Transmission Reference TransmissionReference
Transmission Result TransmissionResult
Total Records TotalRecords
Record ID Record RecordID
Results Results
Travel Time TravelTime
Total Driving Distance TotalDrivingDistance

Response Elements

The following elements are the basic options for each request. These apply to the entire response, not the individual records.


This is a string value that is the current revision number of Street Route Cloud API.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Version":"string"


This is a string value that is the set unit of measurment for the TotalDrivingDistance field.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Units":"string"

Transmission Reference

This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent by the Request Array, allowing you to match the Response to the Request.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TransmissionReference":"string"

Transmission Result

This is a string value that lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole.
For a complete list of error codes, see Street Route Cloud API Result Codes.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TransmissionResult":"string"

Total Records

Displays the total number of records returned.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TotalRecords":"string"

Response Record Elements

JSON will only contain the Records element.

Protocol Definition
JSON Each record will be contained within [{}] under the Records element.

Each of the following elements are returned for each record in the Response Array.

Record ID

This is a string value that is a unique identifier for the current record if one was sent in the request. Use this element to match a request record and the corresponding response record.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "RecordID":"string"


This is a string value with comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record.
For a complete list of codes, see Street Route Cloud API Result Codes.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "Results":"string"

Travel Time

This is a string value of the travel time for the record in the format HH:MM:SS.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TravelTime":"string"

Total Driving Distance

This is a string value with the total driving distance. Refer to the Units field to know what unit of measurement it is.
Protocol Syntax
JSON "TotalDrivingDistance":"string"