This is an optional step that allows you to customize the label of the verification button. To do so, enter the language code (Microsoft Locale ID Value) followed by a colon and then the label of the button, e.g. [Language Code]:[Button label]. For a list of supported languages and their codes, visit
This option also allows you to have multiple languages configured for the label of the button by adding a semi-colon followed by another code [Language Code]:[Button Label];[Other Code]:[Other Language Label]. For example: 1033:Verify Address;1036: Vérificationd'Adresse.
The button will display the language based on the system language you set.
Default Country
If you are using the Melissa Data Express Entry Autocomplete, you can select the default country that will appear on the forms (e.g.: United States, Canada, etc.)
Output Language
By default, verification APIs will return the verified address in English US. This option allows you to specify the language to use with the selected configured web service.
Use Same Fields for Input and Output
Select whether you want the validated address to overwrite the original address or not. When a different destination is selected, you will be given the option to identify the different source fields.
Address Validation for Dynamics 365 allows you to input the country of the address to be validated as a lookup or text field.
The Source (Input) fields are the fields where the original address (to be validated) are located.
The Destination (Output) fields are the fields where the verified address will be written to.
Address Field - Full Address: Indicate a text field schema name (custom created or out of the box field) where the application can save the full formatted address after it is verified. A value is not required for this field, and it cannot be one of the Out of the Box address composite fields.
Address Validation Details Field: Indicate a text field schema name (custom created or out of the box field) where the application can save the details of the address correction returned by the verification API. A value is not required for this field.
IMPORTANT – When a different destination is enabled for the validated address:
If the country source is a lookup field, then the destination can be either a lookup or a text field.
If the country source is a text field, then the destination must be a text field.