SSIS:Global Verify:Email

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Global Verify Navigation
Advanced Configuration
Melissa Data Cloud
Global Verify Tabs
Pass-Through Columns
Output Filter
Result Codes
Returned Result Codes
Result Codes

Verify the domain of an email address as well as correct syntax, typos, and update older domain names.

Input Columns

Email Address
Select the field containing the input email address.

Output Columns

Email Address
The name for the email address output column.
Mail Box Name
The name for the mail box output column.
Domain Name
The name for the domain output column.
Top Level Domain
The name for the top level domain output column.
Top Level Domain Description
The name for the top level domain description output column.
Domain Age Estimated
The estimated age of the domain in days.
Domain Expiration Date
The date the domain expires/expired in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
Domain Created Date
The date the domain was created in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
Domain Updated Date
The date the domain was last updated in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.
Domain Email
The email associated with the domain.
Domain Organization
The organization associated with the domain.
Domain Address 1
The street address associated with the domain.
Domain Locality
The locality associated with the domain.
Domain Administrative Area
The administrative area associated with the domain.
Domain Postal Code
The postal code associated with the domain.
Domain Country
The country associated with the domain.
Domain Country Code
The country code associated with the domain.
Domain Availability
Check to see if domain is available for purchase.
Domain Private Proxy
Check if domain is behind a private proxy.
Deliverability Confidence Score
Returns the probability [0-100]% of an email sent to this mailbox will be successfully delivered.
Privacy Flag
The top level domains or countries that may be sensitive to privacy laws. Returns Y for yes and N for no.

Mailbox Verification Options

Check the Email Address against the Web Service Email Reference Data.
Check the Email Address against the Web Service Email Reference Data. If the Email has not been verified within the last 3 days in the Web Service Reference Data, run the Email through real-time Email Verification.

Note: The 'Off' and 'Mixed' options have been deprecated.

Advanced Email Options

Days Since Last Verified
Premium Mode Only
You can choose how fresh you want your data. By setting a higher value, you will receive faster responses but the data will not be as fresh. You can set this value from 3 to 365 days.
Domain Correction ON/OFF
Activates fuzzy email domain correction if the domain is a suspected typo.
Domain Information ON/OFF
Activates output fields for WhoIS domain information.