Set Environment Variable

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Revision as of 18:50, 1 August 2012 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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You can set a license string as an environment variable. There are two environment variables available for Address Object: MD_LICENSE and MD_LICENSE_DEMO. These environment variables were made available so that you can change certain aspects of your applications without recompiling. You can set these both MD_LICENSE and MD_LICENSE_DEMO as environment variables at same time. If you are using variable MD_LICENSE for any other product then you can use MD_LICENSE_DEMO for Address Object or vice versa. Don't get confused with the word "DEMO" for a valid license, it works same as MD_LICENSE.


  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Double Click on System in the Control Panel Window.
  4. Choose the Advanced tab on the System Properties Window.
  5. Then click on the Environment Variables button.
  6. In the Environment Variables Window, click on the New button under the System Variables section.
  7. The New System Variable Window should popup. Type "MD_LICENSE" under the Variable Name Text Box
  8. Next enter the actual customer license on the Variable Value Text Box. Then click OK.
  9. You should now have the new MD_LICENSE Environment Variable in your system. Click OK to finalize the update.


  1. Go to the console of your LINUX Machine.
  2. Write the following command in your console, it will set one license for your all the Melissa Data Objects installed on that machine ‘export MD_LICENSE = “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” ’
You can use variable ‘MD_LICENSE_DEMO’ if you need to use another License for Melissa Data Objects.
(To set environment variable permanently for LINUX you need to add this in your profile.)