Global Address Object:Parameters
← Global Address Object Reference
The values listed in this section are grouped by input and output. Though they are listed in mixed case, the parameters are not case sensitive.
Input Parameters
All of the following inputs can be set using SetInputParamter and can also be output using GetOutputParameter.
Processing Configuration Parameters
- outputPreference
- inputFormattedAddressSeparator
Input Address Parameters
- organization
- inputAddressLine1
- inputAddressLine2
- inputAddressLine3
- inputAddressLine4
- inputAddressLine5
- inputAddressLine6
- inputAddressLine7
- inputAddressLine8
- subPremises
- doubleDependentLocality
- dependentLocality
- locality
- subAdministrativeArea
- administrativeArea
- subNationalArea
- postalCode
- inputCountry
- countryOfOrigin
Output Parameters
Output Detail Parameters
- buildNumber
- databaseDate
- databaseExpirationDate
- dst
- initializeErrorString
- licensedCountries
- licenseStringExpirationDate
- remnants
- resultCodes
- timezone
- utc
Output Address Parameters
- organization
- addressLine1
- addressLine2
- addressLine3
- addressLine4
- addressLine5
- addressLine6
- addressLine7
- addressLine8
- country
Parsed Sub-Premises Parameters
- building
- subPremises
- subPremisesNumber
- subPremisesType
Parsed Thoroughfare Parameters
- premises
- premisesNumber
- premisesType
- thoroughfare
- thoroughfareLeadingType
- thoroughfareName
- thoroughfarePostDirection
- thoroughfarePreDirection
- thoroughfareTrailingType
- thoroughfareTypeAttached
Parsed Dependent Thoroughfare Columns
- dependentThoroughfare
- dependentThoroughfareConjunction
- dependentThoroughfareLeadingType
- dependentThoroughfareName
- dependentThoroughfarePostDirection
- dependentThoroughfarePreDirection
- dependentThoroughfareTrailingType
- dependentThoroughfareTypeAttached
Parsed Postal Facility Columns
- carrierRoute
- parsedDeliveryInstallation
- parsedLockBox
- parsedPrivateMailboxName
- parsedPrivateMailboxNumber
- parsedRouteService
- postBox
- postalCode
- zipType
Parsed Regional Columns
- administrativeArea
- cityAbbreviation
- congressionalDistrict
- countyFips
- countyName
- dependentLocality
- doubleDependentLocality
- locality
- subAdministrativeArea
- subNationalArea
- urbanization
Extra Output Address Parameters
- addressKey
- addressTypeCode
- addressTypeString
- deliveryline
- formattedAddress
- latitude
- localityLine
- longitude
Extra Output Country Parameters
- countryAbbreviation
- countryCode
- countryName
- iso2Code
- iso3Code
- isoCountryNumber