Listware for Excel:SmartMover:Input Columns

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← Listware for Excel Reference

SmartMover NCOA Navigation
← US & Canada
Processing Range
NCOA Options
Input Columns
Output Columns
Review Settings
Result Codes

Specify the input columns you want to process by selecting them in the drop-down menus.

The following input columns are available:


If the names are split into first and last names, specify those columns in 'First Name' and 'Last Name' instead. Alternatively, if the names are not split specify that column in 'Full Name'.

Full Name
Specify the column that contains full names.
Specify the column that contains name prefixes. E.g. Mr., Ms., Mrs.
First Name
Specify the column that contains first names.
Middle Name
Specify the column that contains middle names.
Last Name
Specify the column that contains last names.
Specify the column that contains name suffixes. E.g. Jr., Sr., IV.


Specify the column that contains company and/or organization names.
Specify the column that contains street or PO Box addresses.
Address 2
Specify the column that contains a second address line. If available, this is generally extra addressing information such as an apartment or suite numbers.
If the information is in the "Address" column, it will be found and parsed to this column when you specify that column here.
Specify the column that contains cities.
Specify the column that contains the US state and/or Canadian province.
ZIP Code
Specify the column that contains the US ZIP code and/or Canadian Postal Code.
Specify the column that contains the country name (US or Canada).
Although specifying a country column to ensure that records are searched in the proper service, SmartMover NCOA has advanced logic to accurately make that determination in the event your list does not have a country column.