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<h3 class="productfield">Delivery Line</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Delivery Line</h3>
:The delivery portion of the full address, from the sub-premise and house number to the street information. This does not include area information like doubledependent locality, dependent locality, locality, administrative area, and postal code if those values are available for the country.

<h3 class="productfield">Locality Line</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Locality Line</h3>
:The locality information of the full address. This includes information such as doubledependent locality, dependent locality, locality, administrative area, and postal code if those values are available for the country. This does not include sub-premise and house number to the thoroughfare information.

Line 166: Line 166:
<h3 class="productfield">Formatted Address</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Formatted Address</h3>
:Returns the address in the correct format for mailing from the country specified in the Country Of Origin input. This includes the Organization as the first line, one or more lines in the origin country’s format, and the destination country (if required).
:Returns the address in the correct format for mailing from the country specified in the Country Of Origin input. This includes the Organization as the first line, one or more lines in the origin country’s format, and the destination country (if required).
:The default separate line delimiter is a comma (<code>,</code>), but can be changed under the Address Task Settings.

Line 234: Line 236:

<h3 class="productfield">Formal Country Name</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Formal Country Name</h3>
:Official Name for the country.
<h3 class="productfield">Country Code</h3>

Line 272: Line 270:

<h3 class="productfield">Dependent Thoroughfare Type Attached</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Dependent Thoroughfare Type Attached</h3>
:The dependent thoroughfare type connected to the dependent thoroughfare name without a space. This is common in Germany. For example, "Berlinerstr." "str." stands for strasse and is the dependent thoroughfare type attached, while "Berliner" is the dependent thoroughfare name.

Line 366: Line 364:

<h3 class="productfield">Thoroughfare Type Attached</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Thoroughfare Type Attached</h3>
:The thoroughfare type connected to the thoroughfare name without a space. This is common in Germany. For example, "Berlinerstr." "str." stands for strasse and is the thoroughfare type attached, while "Berliner" is the thoroughfare name.

Line 376: Line 374:

<h3 class="productfield">Building</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Building</h3>
:The parsed building name.
:Descriptive name identifying an individual location. This is a string value that is the parsed Building element from the output.

Line 449: Line 447:

<h3 class="productfield">Remnants</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Remnants</h3>
:Any elements parsed from the input address data which could not be processed or were not relevant to the address processing are returned in the remnant parameter.

<h3 class="productfield">Timezone</h3>
<h3 class="productfield">Timezone</h3>
:Name of the timezone of the address.

Revision as of 01:42, 19 November 2022

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The Unison by Melissa Global Address Cleansing Task cleanses global contact data.

Input Fields

This section displays the possible inputs for the Global Address Cleansing Task. An address and Country are required.


The company or organization.

Address Line 1

The first address line. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, thoroughfare, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (locality, administrative area, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs.

Address Line 2 - Address Line 4

This is optional. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, thoroughfare, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (locality, administrative area, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs.


The sub-premises or suite number.


The locality name.
US Term: City
Canada Term: Municipality

Administrative Area/State

The administrative area, state or province name.

Postal Code/Zip

The Zip Code or Postal Code, depending on the country.


The country code. If this is not input, the country will default to the United States.

More Input Fields

Address Line 5 - Address Line 8

This is optional. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, thoroughfare, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (locality, administrative area, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs.

Country of Origin

This is used to determine whether or not to include the country name as the last line in Formatted Address.
  • The destination country will be appended to the end of the formatted address when:
  • Valid and different from the destination country.
  • The destination country will not be appended to the end of the formatted address when:
  • Blank or
  • Invalid or
  • Same as the destination country

Double Dependent Locality

The smallest population center data element. This depends on the Locality and Dependent Locality fields.

Dependent Locality/Urbanization

The smaller population center data element. This depends on the Locality element.
US Term: Urbanization: In terms of US Addresses, this element applies only to Puerto Rican addresses. It is used to break ties when a ZIP Code™ is linked to multiple instances of the same address.

Sub Administrative Area/County

The smallest geographic data element.
US Term: County.

Sub National Area

The administrative region within a country on an arbitrary level below that of the sovereign state.

Output Fields

This section displays the possible outputs for the Address Service. Select the on/off toggle to enable/disable the output of a field.


The company or organization.

Address Line 1 - Address Line 8

These will be the standardized or corrected contents of the input address. These lines will include the entire address including the locality, administrative area, and postal code.

Zip/Postal Code

The postal code.
US Term: ZIP Code.


The country name.


The latitude of the address.


The longitude of the address.

Dependent Locality

A dependent locality is a logical area unit that is smaller than a locality but larger than a double dependent locality or thoroughfare. It can often be associated with a neighborhood or sector. Great Britain is an example of a country that uses double dependent locality. In the United States, this would correspond to Urbanization, which is used only in Puerto Rico.
US Term: Urbanization.


The most common geographic area and used by virtually all countries. This is usually the value that is written on a mailing label and referred to by terms like City, Town, Postal Town, etc.
US Term: City

Administrative Area/State

A common geographic area unit for larger countries.
US Term: State

Delivery Line

The delivery portion of the full address, from the sub-premise and house number to the street information. This does not include area information like doubledependent locality, dependent locality, locality, administrative area, and postal code if those values are available for the country.

Locality Line

The locality information of the full address. This includes information such as doubledependent locality, dependent locality, locality, administrative area, and postal code if those values are available for the country. This does not include sub-premise and house number to the thoroughfare information.

Melissa Address Key (MAK)

(MAK) A unique key assigned to an address record.

Melissa Address Key Base

A unique key assigned to the base address of a complex with apartments or suites.

Address Type Code

Returns a one-character code for the type of address coded. This element works only for US, Canadian, and Great Britain addresses.
See Unison by Melissa Result Codes for a full list of result codes.

Formatted Address

Returns the address in the correct format for mailing from the country specified in the Country Of Origin input. This includes the Organization as the first line, one or more lines in the origin country’s format, and the destination country (if required).
The default separate line delimiter is a comma (,), but can be changed under the Address Task Settings.


Great Britain Only. Returns the Unique Property Reference Number created and maintained by Ordnance Survey.

Result Codes

Returned result codes for the address.
For a list of result codes returned by Unison, see Unison Result Codes.

Additional Address Fields

Adds fields for parsed data from the address.

ISO 2 Country Code

The 2 letter ISO 3166 country code value.
For example:
Country Code
United States US
Canada CA
Philippines PH

ISO 3 Country Code

The 3 letter ISO 3166 country code value.
For example:
Country Code
United States USA
Canada CAN
Philippines PHL

ISO Country Number

The ISO 3166 country number value.
For example:
Country Code
United States 840
Canada 124
Philippines 608

Formal Country Name

Official Name for the country.

Parsed Dependent Thoroughfare Fields

Adds fields relating to the Dependent Thoroughfare from the address.

Dependent Thoroughfare

The dependent thoroughfare is a second thoroughfare that is required to narrow down the final address. This is rarely used.

Dependent Thoroughfare Pre Direction

Pre Directions are directionals at the beginning of the dependent thoroughfare (i.e., N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc.). This is a part of the Dependent Thoroughfare field.

Dependent Thoroughfare Post Direction

Post Directions are directionals at the end of the dependent thoroughfare (i.e., N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc.). This value is a part of the Dependent Thoroughfare field.

Dependent Thoroughfare Leading Type

Leading Types are types at the beginning of the dependent thoroughfare (i.e., "Rue", etc.). This value is a part of the Dependent Thoroughfare field.

Dependent Thoroughfare Name

The parsed Dependent Thoroughfare Name. This value is a part of the Dependent Thoroughfare field.

Dependent Thoroughfare Trailing Type

Trailing Types are types at the end of the dependent thoroughfare (i.e., "St.", "Rd.", "Ave.", etc.). This value is a part of the Dependent Thoroughfare field.

Dependent Thoroughfare Type Attached

The dependent thoroughfare type connected to the dependent thoroughfare name without a space. This is common in Germany. For example, "Berlinerstr." "str." stands for strasse and is the dependent thoroughfare type attached, while "Berliner" is the dependent thoroughfare name.

Parsed Regional Fields

Adds additional fields relating to the region from the address.

Double Dependent Locality

A logical area unit that is smaller than a dependent locality but bigger than a thoroughfare. This field is very rarely used. Great Britain is an example of a country that uses double dependent locality.

Sub Administrative Area

A logical area that that is smaller than the administrative area but larger than a locality. While many countries can have a sub-administrative area value, it is very rarely used as part of an official address.

Sub National Area

A logical area unit that is larger than an administrative area but smaller than the country itself. It is extremely rarely used.

Parsed Postal Facility Fields

Adds additional fields relating to the postal facility.

Post Box

The parsed Post Box.

Post Office Location

If available, this is the value that is associated to the location of the post office in relation to the address. This value may or may not be used in the official mailing address for the country in question. Currently, these are the countries we will return the data for: Serbia and Slovakia.
Country Description
Serbia The Post Office Location field contains the old 5 digit postal number and name. The postal code field will contain the new 6 digit PAK number.
Slovakia The Post Office Location field returns the name of the post office location if it is not the same as the delivery address locality.

Parsed Thoroughfare Fields

Adds fields relating to the Thoroughfare from the address.

Premises/Street Name

The parsed premises name.
US Term: Street Name

Premises Number/Street Number

The parsed premises number.
US Term: House Number

Premises Type

The parsed premises type.


A part of the address lines containing all the sub-elements of the thoroughfare like trailing type, thoroughfare name, pre direction, post direction, etc.
US Term: Street

Thoroughfare Name

The parsed thoroughfare name. This is part of the thoroughfare field.

Thoroughfare Pre Direction

Pre Directions are directionals at the beginning of the thoroughfare (i.e., N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc.). This is part of the thoroughfare field.

Thoroughfare Post Direction

Post Directions are directionals at the end of the thoroughfare (i.e., N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc.). This is part of the thoroughfare field.

Thoroughfare Leading Type

Leading Types are thoroughfare types at the beginning of the thoroughfare (i.e., "Rue", etc.). This is part of the thoroughfare field.
This term is not used in the US.

Thoroughfare Trailing Type

Trailing Types are thoroughfare types at the end of the thoroughfare (i.e., "St.", "Rd.", "Ave.", etc.). This is part of the thoroughfare field.

Thoroughfare Type Attached

The thoroughfare type connected to the thoroughfare name without a space. This is common in Germany. For example, "Berlinerstr." "str." stands for strasse and is the thoroughfare type attached, while "Berliner" is the thoroughfare name.

Parsed Subpremises Fields

Adds fields relating to the sub premises from the address.


Descriptive name identifying an individual location. This is a string value that is the parsed Building element from the output.

Sub Building

A smaller division of the building. For example, if an address has a building name that is a part of a larger set of buildings, then the sub building may be populated.
Sub Building Number and Sub Building Type make up the parts of the Sub Building field.

Sub Building Number

The parsed sub building number. This is part of the Sub Building field.

Sub Building Type

The parsed sub building type. This is part of the Sub Building field.

Sub Premises/Suite

Individual units with their own addresses inside a building. This is parsed from the Address Line 1 - Address Line 8 fields.
Sub Premises Number and Sub Premises Type make up the parts of the Sub Premises/Suite field.
US Term: Suite or Apartment
For example:
Sub Premises: Apt 25A

Sub Premises Type

The parsed sub premises type from the Sub Premises/Suite field. This is part of the Sub Premises/Suite field.
For example:
Sub Premises: Apt 25A
Sub Premises Type: Apt

Sub Premises Level

A secondary piece of sub premise information used to describe a more generic division of the subpremise. For example, if you have an address like “1123 Market Way, Floor 12 Apt 25A” then the sub premises will be “Apt 25A” and the sub premise level will be “Floor 12”. This value is not widely used in official address data.
Sub Premise Level Type and Sub Premise Level Number make up the parts of the Sub Premise Level field. In our example, the Sub Premise Level Type is “Floor” and the Sub Premise Level Number is “12”.

Sub Premises Level Number

The parsed number from the sub premises level field. Sub Premise Level Type and Sub Premise Level Number make up the parts of the Sub Premise Level field.
For example:
Sub Premise Level: Floor 12
Sub Premise Level Number: 12

Sub Premises Level Type

The parsed type from the sub premises level field. Sub Premise Level Type and Sub Premise Level Number make up the parts of the Sub Premise Level field.
For example:
Sub Premise Level: Floor 12
Sub Premise Level Type: Floor

Sub Premises Number

The parsed number from the Sub Premises/Suite field. This is part of the Sub Premises/Suite field.
For example:
Sub Premises: Apt 25A
Sub Premises Number: 25A

Extra Information Fields

Adds miscellaneous fields to the output record.


Any elements parsed from the input address data which could not be processed or were not relevant to the address processing are returned in the remnant parameter.


Name of the timezone of the address.


The Coordinated Universal Time number in format of UTC+#. Note that there are timezones that are not whole hours only, like UTC+9:30.


Returns a Y or a N based on if the country or area of the input observes daylight savings time. Note that the value returned by the UTC output does not change based on whether the country/area is currently in daylight savings time for not. We will only return the standard timezone and this flag to indicate is daylight savings is observed.

Address Key

This is a country dependent field. The AddressKey can be used by other Melissa Data services, such as Geocoder or RBDI.
Country Description
US This returns a 11 digit code representing the combination of the zip code, the plus4, and the delivery point. This is a fairly good representation of a unique US address and often used as the core of postal barcode. However, this code is not guaranteed to be unique to an individual address, please use the Melissa Address Key field instead for that purpose. It is possible that this field is empty or not 11 digits if the address is a Non-USPS address (link to something about non-usps addresses).
GB This field returns the UDPRN, which stands for Unique Delivery Point Reference Number. It is an 8 character code that is assigned and maintained by Royal Mail to each delivery point address.
AU This returns the DPID (Delivery Point ID). This is a 8 digit number that identifies a mailbox according to Australia Post.

Delivery Indicator

Returns a one character code that indicates if the address type. It is not available for all countries. Currently, this field is available for the US, GB, NL and IE with more countries planned in the future.
Code Address Type
R Residence
B Business
U Unknown

Census Key

This is a country dependent field. It is designed to return a code that correspond to the census division information for a country. Currently, this field is only returned for the US.
US: The CensusKey for the US is a 15 or 16 digit code that is made up of the following components: FIPS Code, Census Tract, Census Block, and CensusBlockGroup if it exists.

Delivery Point Suffix

This is a country dependent field. This field returns an identifier that represents a suffix code usually tied to a delivery point.
Country Description
GB This is a 2 character (first is numerical, 2nd character is alphabetic) that is assigned by Royal Mail. When added to the postal code, this allows each live delivery point to be uniquely identified.

Delivery Line 1 - Delivery Line 8

These return the Address Line 1 - Address Line 8 fields containing just the street address and dependent locality. They will not contain locality, administrative area, postal code etc.