Profiler Object:Column Specification
You must call AddColumn for each column you intend to profile. All columns must be added before StartProfiling is called.
This function describes a column to be profiled. To successfully profile the data, at least one column should be added. This function accepts three parameters.
Name | Data Type | Description |
ColumnName | String | This is the name of the column to be added. |
ColumnType | Profiler Column Type | This is the type of the column to be added. See ProfilerColumnType Enumerations for details. |
DataType | Profiler Data Type | This is the data type of the column to be added. These are custom data types. See ProfilerDataType Enumerations for details. |
Syntax | profiler->AddColumn(columnNameStr, profilerColumnTYpe, profilerDataType); |
C | mdProfilerAddColumn(profiler,columnNameStr,profilerColumntype,profilerDataType); |
.Net | profiler.AddColumn(columnNameStr, profilerColumntype, profilerDataType); |
Optional. This function adds a regular expression validator for a specified column. This can be called multiple times to evaluate different patterns.
This function accepts two parameters.
Name | Data Type | Description |
ColumnNameString | String | Column Name to set the custom pattern. |
RegularExpressionString | String | This is the regular expression to validate the column. |
Syntax | profiler->SetColumnCustomPattern(ColumnNameString, RegularExpressionString); |
C | integer = mdProfilerSetColumnCustomPattern(profiler, ColumnNameString, RegularExpressionString); |
.Net | integer = profiler.SetColumnCustomPattern(ColumnNameString, RegularExpressionString); |
Optional. This SetColumnValueRange function sets the upper and lower bound for the specified column.
This function accepts three parameters.
Name | Data Type | Description |
columnNameStr | String | Column Name to set the value range. |
fromStr | String | Lower bound value. |
toStr | String | Upper bound value. |
Syntax | profiler->SetColumnValueRange(columnNameStr, fromStr, toStr); |
C | integer = mdProfilerSetColumnValueRange(profiler, columnNameStr, fromStr, toStr); |
.Net | integer = profiler.SetColumnValueRange(columnNameStr, fromStr, toStr); |
Optional. This function sets the default value to the specified column.
This function takes two parameters
Name | Data Type | Description |
ColumnName | String | Column Name to set the default value. |
DefaultValue | String | This is the default value of the column. |
Syntax | profiler->SetColumnDefaultValue(columnNameStr, defaultValueStr); |
C | integer = mdProfilerSetColumnDefaultValue(profiler,columnNameStr,defaultValueStr); |
.Net | integer = profiler.SetColumnDefaultValue(columnNameStr, defaultValueStr); |
Optional. This function sets the column size for the specified column.
This function takes two parameters
Name | Data Type | Description |
ColumnName | String | Column Name to set the size. |
ColumnSize | Integer | This is the size of the column. |
Syntax | profiler->SetColumnSize(ColumnNameStr, sizeValue); |
C | mdProfilerSetColumnSize(profiler, columnNameStr, sizeValue); |
.Net | profiler.SetColumnSize(columnNameStr, sizeValue); |
Optional. This function sets the precision for a specified column. This applies to only ColumnTypeNumeric, ColumnTypeDecimal, ColumnTypeCurrency. Precision is the number of digits maximum allowed for that number. This function takes two parameters.
Name | Data Type | Description |
ColumnName | String | Column Name to set the precision Value |
PrecisionValue | Integer | This is the precision value for a specified column. |
Syntax | profiler->SetColumnPrecision(columnNameStr, previsionValue); |
C | mdProfilerSetColumnPrecision(profiler, ColumnNameStr, PrecisionValue); |
.Net | profiler.SetColumnPrecision(ColumnNameStr, PrecisionValue); |
Optional. This function sets the scale for a specified column. Scale is the number of decimal places (number of digits on the right hand side of the decimal point.) This applies to only ColumnTypeNumeric, ColumnTypeDecimal, ColumnTypeCurrency.
This function takes two parameters.
Name | Data Type | Description |
ColumnName | String | This is the name of the column to be added |
ScaleValue | Integer | This is the scale value for the specified column |
Syntax | profiler->SetColumnScale(columnNameStr, scaleValue); |
C | mdProfilerSetColumnScale(profiler, columnNameStr, scaleValue); |
.Net | profiler.SetColumnScale(columnNameStr, scaleValue); |